The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Koch Brothers
The Republican Death-Trap: Taxing Students Instead of Polluters
As student loan interest rates double, Republicans are signing a pledge – sponsored by the multi-billionaire Koch brothers — to oppose any climate-change legislation that might raise government revenues by taxing polluters.
Billionaires Unchained: The New Pay-As-You-Go Landscape of American “Democracy”
There is no limit to the amount of money billionaires can give to influence the political discussion in this country.
Koch Brothers, ALEC Attack Maine Renewable Energy Standards
Maine’s clean energy legislation has spurred more than $2 billion in local investment and created at least 2,500 jobs, but that isn’t stopping some state lawmakers from trying to weaken it.
19-Year-Old Kennedy: Why It’s Worth Going to Jail to Stop Keystone XL
Ever since I chained myself to the White House fence with 47 other protestors urging President Obama to kill the Keystone pipeline, people have asked me why I felt so strongly about the issue.
Koch Brothers Plan To Buy Eight Major Newspapers
Billionaire oil moguls and ultra-right climate denial propagandists Charles and David Koch intend to purchase a handful of major U.S. news outlets, including the Tribune company.
Michigan’s Anti-Union Legislation: Brought to You by the Koch Brothers and ALEC
Michigan’s right-to-work law is a Koch brothers and ALEC-style model bill in action.
California's Prop 32 is a Billionaires' Bill of Rights
Prop 32 which would bar three million labor union members from contributing to political campaigns, while large corporate financiers would be exempted from any restrictions at all.
Crashing David Koch’s party
Two hundred protesters turned up at the conservative baron's Hamptons fundraiser for Mitt Romney.
You're a Koch Party!
The End Corporatism Affinity Group of Occupy Wall Street has staged a demonstration at the Southampton estate of David Koch, which will be hosting a fundraiser for Mitt Romney.