The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Koch Brothers
Climate-Denying Koch Brothers Back Purchase of Time Magazine
"If Charles and David Koch gain control of Time, I expect my life's work to be repudiated in the very magazine in which it appeared. The thought is almost too much to bear," writes Charles Alexander, a long-time contributor to Time.
Bernie Sanders: The Republican Budget Is a Gift to Billionaires – "It's Robin Hood in Reverse"
Donald Trump and Republican leaders claim their plan would provide a ‘big league’ tax cut for the middle class. Nothing could be further from the truth.
What to Do When You See Science Denial at the Science Museum
I went to DC’s Smithsonian Museum of Natural History expecting to learn about the history of our planet. Instead, I stumbled upon a Koch-funded climate denial disaster.
The 1% Is Organized and Coming for Its Tax Cuts. Is the Resistance Ready?
New details emerge of Republicans' effort to ensure that their bid to rewrite the tax code doesn't suffer the same fate as healthcare.
Kochs' and Trump Team Up to Cut Billionaires’ Taxes
The Kochs’ much-publicized hostility toward Donald Trump has been replaced by a strategic alliance between the ideologically extreme billionaire brothers and the ideologically fluid but equally self-serving businessman/president.
Trump Has Secretive Teams to Roll Back Regulations, Led by Hires With Deep Industry Ties
We’ve found many appointees with potential conflicts of interest, including two who might personally profit if particular regulations are undone.
Koch Brothers' Operatives Fill Top White House Positions, Ethics Forms Reveal
If the billionaire Koch brothers turn to the White House for favors, they will see many familiar faces.
Act Out! [70] - Democrats, Republicans & The Illusion of Choice; Women in Boats for Freedom
This week, let's take a walk down the aisle – the political aisle, that is – and see where we might find some common ground. Next up, the Women's Boat to Gaza calls for peace and highlights the role of women in the Palestinian struggle for freedom.
Dark Money Review: Nazi Oil, the Koch Brothers and A Rightwing Revolution
The Koch brothers' nanny was such a fervent Nazi that when France fell in 1940, she resigned and returned to Germany.
"The Earth's Not Getting Warmer": Holiday Anthem Sponsored by the Koch Brothers
In a video spoof by Funny or Die, infamous conservative billionaires, the Koch Brothers, pay celebrities to sing a climate change deniers' anthem to the music of "We Are the World."