The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Koch Brothers
Renewable Energy Victories Highlight Fault Lines Between Conservative Groups and ALEC
The ideological division that now runs under the Republican party is making itself known with tremors around climate change, and specifically the issue of household solar installation.
A Midwest Republican Senator Crusades Against the Corruption of Money In Politics
“I have always thought business should have access to the public square – I never thought anybody should be able to buy the public square, and that’s where we’re at right now."
Exposing the Mont Pelerin Society: Koch-Powered Climate Denial At Its Best
An investigation reveals Charles Koch's long-standing affiliation with the Mont Pelerin Society, a global group of industrialists, academics and economists who seek to eliminate all government regulations while devouring the planet's resources.
Money in Politics: Six of the Top 10 U.S. Billionaires Are Kochs and Waltons
Charles and David Koch, of Koch Industries, have poured some of their combined $72 billion into conservative politicians while the Walton family, owners of Walmart, exercise a subtler but equally corrosive influence on our national politics.
The Man Who Stood Up to the Koch Brothers — and Won
Public-interest advocate and Democratic candidate for California Secretary of State Derek Cressman filed a complaint requiring conservative political committees to disclose their donors, resulting in $16 million in penalties including against the Kochs.
What are Facebook and Google Doing in Bed with Climate Deniers?
We propose the “No Deniers Rule” as a good starting place for any company that wants to be on the right side of history in the climate fight — that goes for the tech giants that falsely burnish green credentials while supporting climate destruction.
The Koch Brothers' Secret Bank
Freedom Partners, whose existence until now was unknown to almost everyone in politics, raised and spent $250 million in 2012 to shape political and policy debate nationwide.
Revolving Door: Koch and Halliburton Are Lobbying Hard to Block a Carbon Tax
Despite an array of conservative economists and former Republican lawmakers, Koch and Halliburton lobbyists are funding the campaign against it.
Launch of Green Tea Coalition Drives A Wedge Through Georgia's Tea Party
The across-the-spectrum Green Tea Coalition - including activists from the Tea Party Patriots, Occupy Atlanta and the NAACP - is uniting to challenge Koch Brothers-funded big business ideology.
Reporting from Raleigh: 9 Ways to Organize the Next Civil Rights Movement
North Carolina's Moral Monday protests — where nearly 1,000 have been arrested in just 12 weeks — could be a way for the South to become progressive again, while cultivating strong community leaders to run for local office.