The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Koch Brothers
Time for Pitchforks: Why The Obscene Wealth Gap Can Only Mean One Thing
Americans greatly underestimate the degree of inequality in our country – and if we were given proper media coverage of the endless takeaway of wealth by the super rich, we'd be taking it personally.
How the Dark Money Regime Is Shaping 2014 Elections
2014 is on pace to be the Year of Dark Money.
World's Biggest PR Company Axes Climate Change Deniers – But Forgets About A.L.E.C.
If Edelman is serious about not working for groups that deny climate change, it needs to dump the American Legislative Exchange Council – which which works harder than anyone to block climate policy.
Senator Who Owns Stock in Coal Utilities is Fighting EPA Carbon Rules
Millionaire senator David Vitter just released an report designed to skewer the EPA, but he forgot to mention that he stands to lose economically if the proposed Obama's carbon rules are implemented.
Koch Brothers’ Politics Reflect Their Father’s Rabid Anti-Communism
The FBI collected over 100 pages of documents on Fred Koch after he published a red scare manifesto that accused U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower himself of being a communist.
Billionaires Behind Closed Doors: Inside the Koch Brothers’ Secret Summit
The explicit goal of this covert gathering was to raise $500 million for Republicans to take the Senate in 2014 and another $500 million to make sure Hillary Clinton is never president.
Scholar Behind Viral "Oligarchy" Study Tells Us What It Means
Contrary to what decades of political science research might lead you to believe, ordinary U.S. citizens have virtually no influence over what their government does.
Why Koch-Funded "Generation Opportunity" Is A Big Zero for America's Youth
It's time to debunk far right, corporatist, big business propaganda when it masquerades as an opportunity for young people to engage in politics.
No More Games: If the Super Rich Won't Pay Taxes, It's Time For Plan B
The wealthiest Americans receive the greatest benefits – and they insult the rest of us by treating their tax responsibility like a game.
Why's American-Style Health Care Being Pushed In Canada? Ask the Koch Brothers
A right-wing Canadian outfit funded by the Kochs wants to privatize the Canadian health care system – and Prime Minister Stephen Harper is now steering policy that way.