The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Watch These 5 Political Organizations Rising to Power in 2018
A comeuppance is coming, and coming fast.
Student Debt Slavery, Part II: Time to Level the Playing Field
Proposed federal changes will make it harder, not easier, for students to escape their debts, including wiping out some existing income-based repayment plans and harsher terms for graduate student loans. It's time to change that.
What Eastern Europe's Anti-Immigration Movement Says About E.U. Frailty
Hungarian PM Viktor Orban's sweeping accusations both against the E.U. and the waves of refugees seeking safety in his country may sound like ludicrous soundbites, but they betray an identity crisis that is affecting the entirety of Eastern Europe.
22 States File Suit to "Stop the FFC's Illegal Rollback of Net Neutrality"
New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman is leading the effort to protect "an open internet—and the free exchange of ideas it allows," which he says "is critical to our democratic process."
Majority of National Park Service Board Resigns, Citing Administration Indifference
Three-quarters of the seats on the U.S. National Park Service advisory board are vacant following a mass resignation Monday night, with members stating their "requests to engage [with Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke] have been ignored."
Banks Raked In $6.4 Billion in Overdraft Fees in 2017. Where's the Public Outrage?
We're talking about the world's most bloated financial giants growing even fatter and richer off the backs of people who are already broke, by charging them additional fees for money they already lack.
In Fight for Internet Freedom, Community Broadband Is Comcast's Achilles Heel
In cities and communities with a municipal broadband utility, local government provides internet access to all citizens, treating it as a public utility that is city-owned and city-operated – much like electricity, water and garbage pick-up.
Bernie Sanders: Let’s Wrench Power Back from the Billionaires
Now, more than ever, those of us who believe in democracy and progressive government must bring low-income and working people all over the world together behind an agenda that reflects their needs.
Would Dr. King Take a Knee? 6 Ways His Radical Spirit Lives Today
“We must realize,” said Dr. King, “that the problems of racial injustice and economic injustice cannot be solved without a radical redistribution of political and economic power.”
Organizing on a Sinking Ship: The Future of the Climate Justice Movement
Our response to the climate crisis has been to rearrange deckchairs on the Titanic — but whatever we do, it isn’t working. It’s time to try something new.