The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
An San Francisco City Bank is Not Only Possible — It’s A Great Idea, Budget Analyst Concludes
There's nothing standing in the way of a public bank except the finance industry and political will.
The Man from Red Vienna, Part I
Market society, Karl Polanyi persuasively demonstrated, could only exist because of deliberate government action defining property rights, terms of labor, trade, and finance. “Laissez faire,” he impishly wrote, “was planned.”
Big Oil Can't Be Trusted to Define the Terms of A Carbon Tax Solution
Big Oil knows the game is up, but they still want to manage the process, slow down the green transformation and limit its impact on their profits. It's only slightly incredible to think that oil corporations may now be choosing to put Planet Earth first.
Leaked Documents Expose How Corporations Use Spies to Subvert People's Movements Worldwide
Thanks to hundreds of pages of newly leaked documents, we're seeing the extent to which some of the world's most profitable businesses have hired private spies to keep tabs on political movements they perceive as a threat to their power and profits.
To Build a Progressive Populism, Look to Farm Country
With their sights now firmly trained on 2018, Democratic strategists and liberal pundits have an opportunity to re-think populism and learn from the work of farm communities that have fought racism and corporate control.
Declaration on Climate Finance
In advance of French President Macron’s climate and finance summit, we call for an immediate end to investments in new fossil fuel production and infrastructure, and encourage a dramatic increase in investments in renewable energy.
Rebranding Hate: What Poland's Independence Day Protests Tell Us About Europe's Rightward Shift
The event last month in Warsaw reflects a much larger picture manifesting in Europe, where new isolationist groups motivated by a common E.U. enemy seek to defend the continent's ethnic identities against what they view as an Islamic incursion.
To Save Internet They Helped Create, Web Pioneers Demand FCC Cancel Net Neutrality Vote
More than 20 internet founders and industry leaders wrote an open letter warning that FCC chair Ajit Pai's plan to kill net neutrality poses "imminent threat" to the web.
Women Accusing Trump Demand Congress Investigate Sexual Misconduct Claims
Women who accused Trump of sexually inappropriate behavior say lawmakers should extend the same scrutiny to the president that they did to Al Franken.
Evangelical Christians May Be Deciding Factor in Alabama Senate Election
The candidates in Tuesday's special election couldn't be more different on the issues, as Democrat Doug Jones’s platform includes a staunch support of Obamacare, an increase in the minimum wage, equal pay for women and abortion rights.