The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Forgotten Sufferers: From Education to Deportation, Refugees Face A Growing Crisis In Greece
Since summer school programs for refugee children failed last summer due to budget constraints and lack of staff, teachers have begun taking it upon themselves to teach Syrian children elementary Greek. But it's not so simple as it sounds.
When Unpaid Student Loan Bills Mean You Can No Longer Work
In 19 states, government agencies can seize state-issued professional licenses from residents who default on their educational debts. Another state, South Dakota, suspends driver’s licenses, making it nearly impossible for people to get to work.
As New Pipelines Get Built, More People Are Standing In the Way
From lockdowns and physical protests to legal challenges and other creative tactics, citizens are stepping up to hold pipeline companies accountable for their actions, and for their lies.
The FCC's Order Is Out, We've Read It, and Here's What You Need to Know
FCC Chair Ajit Pai’s draft is a lot of things: Thin on substance and reasoning, cruel, willfully naive — and it’s everything that ISPs like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon could have wanted (and more). It will end net neutrality and break the internet.
How Millennials Are Trying To Revive The Labor Movement
“What our generation has lacked, and needs, is stability,” says Maggie Thompson, who calls herself an “old millennial” (she’s 32) and studies labor trends for the Center for American Progress. “Unions offer that prospect of stability.”
FCC Chief Plans to Ditch Net Neutrality Rules
The commission will vote at a Dec. 14 meeting on a plan to rescind the rules championed by President Obama that treat internet service providers like public utilities.
How Prosecutors Turn A Protest Into a "Riot"
I joined hundreds of thousands of protesters at counterdemonstrations around Trump’s swearing-in. Little did I know I would be swept up into a legal nightmare that demonstrates how prosecutors intimidate and manipulate defendants into giving up their rights.
In Wake of Latest Mass Shootings, Don’t Expect Republicans to Address Mental Health, Either
As state and federal Republican lawmakers continue to cut funding for mental health care, mass shootings carried out by deranged people with a history of mental illness keep occurring, on a regular basis, bringing death and tragedy to communities nationwide.
The FBI’s Dangerous Crackdown on "Black Identity Extremists"
The "BIE" movement, just recently invented by the F.B.I., is as frightening and dangerous as the bureau’s infamous Cointelpro program of the 1960s and ’70s under which J. Edgar Hoover set out to disrupt and destroy virtually any group with the word “black” in its name.
Nebraska Clears Path for Keystone XL Pipeline, But Challenges Remain
The 3-2 vote by the Nebraska Public Service Commission helps clear the way for the pipeline linking Canada’s Alberta oil sands to refineries in the United States. But opponents have promised to tie the project up in court for years.