The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
"Nobody Wants You": Trump’s Cancelled U.K. Visit Highlights the Power of Protestors
When news emerged last month that Donald Trump was cancelling his February stop in London, much of the country erupted in elation as campaigners hailed the president’s U-turn from Britain a “huge victory for our movement.”
A California Trend Worth Catching: College for All
America's left coast is showing how to break up concentrated wealth and fund higher education for all.
Beyond Denial: Poland's New Holocaust Bill Provokes International Outrage
On Thursday, the Polish Senate agreed to pass new legislation that would impose heavy fines and up to 3 years in prison for anyone who openly associates the complicity of Polish citizens or the Polish state with Nazi Germany during the Holocaust.
Fight for $15 Movement Plans Fast-Food Workers' Strike Across South
The organization is calling on fast-food workers in two dozen states to go on strike on Feb. 12 to mark the 50th anniversary of the famed two-month Memphis sanitation workers’ strike, which began shortly before MLK's assassination.
In Latest "Giveaway to Polluters," Trump EPA Suspends Clean Water Rule
Rescinding the regulation will put the drinking water of one in three Americans in danger of pollution, critics say.
Is the Super Bowl a Tool to Benefit the 1 Percent?
The game results in a substantial cost to the public, due primarily to the cost the host spends to build a state of the art facility – when the direct stadium proceeds go straight to the millionaire and billionaire club owners.
New Strikes In Athens Expose Syriza Government's Efforts to Stifle Resistance
The latest proposed austerity "reform," curtailing the ability of unions to strike, appears to have finally turned the broader Greek left against Syriza – a party once lauded for bringing the left back to the forefront of Greek politics.
What the Amazon-Berkshire-JPMorgan Plan Says About For-Profit Health Insurance
The three paragons of capitalist success have just made one of the strongest arguments yet in favor of single-payer healthcare.
Six Big Losers in Our "Booming" Economy
The people in power let the rich grow richer while the poor keep suffering.
DREAMers wrestle with being used as “hostages” in immigration debate
The status quo is unbearable. So is the guilt of selling other immigrants out.