The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
income inequality
Economics For the 99%: This Is What Food and Shelter For All Looks Like
Anyone who has ever gone "skipping," or "dumpster diving," knows that shops regularly throw out masses of perfectly edible food.
Corporate Profits and the Amazing Wealth Surge For The Top 0.1 Percent
New research finds that richest 0.1 percent of Americans have doubled their share of the pie, dramatically expanding their portion of the country's wealth in three decades.
The Bailout Next Time: Making the Bankers Squeal
During the financial crisis, the losses were so severe that every major investment bank on Wall Street should have collapsed. Will we learn from the corporate-government heist that enabled them to survive?
McCutcheon Took Us Back in Time – But It Might Just Birth the Next Occupy
The conservative Supreme Court thinks it can build a gilded age for the era of income inequality. They won't know what hit 'em.
Colleges Are Quietly Shifting The Burden Of Tuition Increases To Poor Families
Data show poorer families are bearing the brunt of college price hikes.
What Working Women Want
A persistent gender wage gap affects earners at all levels.
Why Does A College President Make 170 Times More than Adjunct Professors?
Some of the nation’s poorest people work in higher education.
Unequal States of America: New Report Shows the Geography of U.S. Income Inequality
The top 1% captured all of the income growth between 2009 and 2011 in 26 out of the 50 states.
Robert Reich: Stop the War on Poor and Working Families
Robert Reich connects the dots to show how a range of positions, on issues ranging from the minimum wage to unemployment insurance to food stamps, work together to keep poor and working families in desperate situations – and calls on all of us to do something about it.
How Long Can the Rich Keep Cheating the 99%?
America gained $16 trillion in financial wealth over the past 5 years, though most went to the very top economic rungs.