The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
income inequality
Another French Economist Cracks the Nut – Revealing True Costs of Tax Evasion
By analyzing data from central banks in Switzerland and Luxembourg, Gabriel Zucman has put creditable numbers on tax evasion, showing that it’s rampant – and a major driver of wealth inequality.
Joseph Stiglitz Calls Out Corporate Tax Dodgers – Here Are 10 of Them
In this recent report for the Roosevelt Institute, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph E. Stiglitz suggests that paying our fair share of taxes and cracking down on corporate tax dodgers could be a cure for inequality and a faltering economy.
Blood On Bankers' Hands As More than 10,000 Suicides Attributed to Great Recession
Researchers in London and Oxford suggest sprawling numbers of suicides in Europe and North America are linked to the severe economic downturn brought on by the 2008 financial crisis.
Recognition, Representation, Redistribution: "A Precariat Charter" for Systemic Change
Guy Standing's new book provides a timely framework to analyze Europe's rightward populist shift while offering specific proposals to move us beyond our current socio-economic crises.
CEO's Made 331 Times As Much as Their Workers Last Year
In 2013, CEOs of S&P 500 companies made 331 times as much as their employees.
The War on Want: Challenging Inequality and War as Pillars that Prop Up Capitalism
Inequality is not a by-product of the system. Inequality is the central point of the capitalism.
Inequality and Poverty Causing Shocking Number of Child Deaths in Great Britain
Child health experts in the U.K. are now warning that social and economic inequalities have become a matter of life or death.
Here's The Painful Truth About What It Means To Be "Working Poor" In America
More than 7 percent of American workers fall below the federal poverty line, and the Americans who earn well above the official poverty line can still barely stay afloat.
Move Over, D.C: The Minimum Wage Fight Is Going Local Across the Nation
From San Diego and L.A. to cities across the Bay Area, and from South Dakota to Arkansas, policy makers are looking to raise local wage floors, reflecting the growing economic insecurity of working families.
Of Course The U.S. Is An Oligarchy — Because We Keep Electing The Rich
For the last seven years, I’ve been studying the startling economic gulf between ordinary Americans and the people who represent them in the halls of power.