The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
income inequality
Pope Renews Call for Wealth Redistribution As U.S. Religious Progressives Gain Ground
Pope Francis on Friday cited the Bible in his call for a “legitimate redistribution of economic benefits,” while social scientists see a growing U.S. religious movement for social justice.
Almost Half Of New Yorkers Are Poor
Nearly half of New Yorkers were making less than 150 percent of the poverty threshold.
In Google's Inequality Valley, Women Are Paid Shockingly Less than Men
There's a growing male hegemony in "Inequality Valley."
Beware "An Economy As Prone to Collapse As a Plate Spinning on a Stick"
Since 1980, inequality in the United States has risen enormously, yet household spending has increased to historic highs.
Natural Gas CEO Pulls In $142 Million – Despite Company Never Turning A Profit
Cheniere Energy more than doubled its CEO's take-home pay, dwarfing the compensation of ExxonMobil and Chevron.
How Soon Will American Populism Reclaim Democracy From the Oligarchs?
We know that the rich and big corporations now dominate the political process to an extreme worthy of an oligarchy – and we know that the only counter to organized money is mobilized people.
Feed Them Cake: A British Group Challenges Inequality and Stolen Wealth
The World Development Movement advocates for African food sovereignty, attacks the fossil fuel industry and fights corporate power.
Dashing Toward Oligarchy, Government Is Now a Protection Racket For the 1%
A new report shows that top C.E.O.'s were paid 331 times more than the average U.S. worker in 2013, and the poorest fifth of Americans paid twice the average tax rate as the richest 1%.
Occupy was Right: Capitalism Has Failed the World. So What's Next?
One of the slogans of the Occupy movement was "capitalism isn't working." Now, in an epic, groundbreaking new book, French economist Thomas Piketty explains why the movement was right.
Krugman: What the 1% Doesn't Want You to Know
The Nobel-winning economist Paul Krugman explains how the U.S. is becoming an oligarchy.