The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
In Europe, March Against Monsanto Is Latest Rejection of the GMO Giant
Momentum is building across Europe, country by country and region by region, to outlaw the biotech giant.
Saving Our Economy With Public Banking
Public banking could be the antidote to free us from our dependency on Wall Street and put monetary power in the people's hands.
Mexico vs. Monsanto: A Fight for the Future of Maize
They are going to serve up transgenic maize on every table in spite of the fact that food sovereignty depends on growing native corn.
Genetically Modified Justice: Why the Supreme Court Ruled for Monsanto
Farmers must pay Monsanto each time they plant the company’s genetically modified soybeans, the Supreme Court ruled this week, rejecting an Indiana farmer’s argument that his unorthodox techniques did not violate the company’s patent.
Vermont House Passes GMO Labeling Bill Ahead of Global March Against Monsanto
Vermont took a decisive step in favor of GMO labeling ahead of the worldwide March Against Monsanto set for May 25.
Building Farms and Agriculture Policy for People — Not Corporations
From the school cafeteria to rural tomato farms to pickets the White House, people are challenging the ways in which government programs benefit big agribusiness to the detriment of small- and mid-sized farmers.
Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act Into Law, Sparking Protests
Farmers protest after President Obama signs the Monsanto Protection Act into law.
How Factory Farming is Burning Up Our Planet
Organic consumers and climate hawks alike are taking a more comprehensive look at the fundamental causes of global warming - and finding that industrial food and farming systems are the major cause.
Citizens Against GMOs: Label It Yourself!
If the government will not side with the 90% of consumers who are in favor of GMO labeling, then they are going to do it themselves.
Russia Pushes Back Against Monsanto
Russia’s premiere consumer rights organization has suspended both the importation and use of Monsanto’s GMO corn within the nation’s borders.