The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Colorado Supreme Court Overturns Corporate Challenge to GMO Labeling Bill
Right to Know Colorado GMO has announced plans to force GMO labeling.
Food Fights, States Rights – and the Demand for Health We Won’t Be Denied
Activists are forcing Monsanto, big biotech and the Grocery Manufacturers Association to go defensive – and now it’s time to win.
Global Scientists Rebuke F.C.T. Journal For "Censorship" After Rat-Tumor GM Monsanto Study Expelled
83 top scientists say the decision by the editor of Food and Chemical Toxicology to retract a paper that found GM corn and the Monsanto pesticide Roundup damaged the organs of rats was represents conflicts of interest and sets a dangerous precedent.
Money Laundering, Misinforming and Pro-GMO: Abolish the Grocery Manufacturer’s Association
The GMA stands beside Monsanto as the most vile, physically harmful corporation in the global food industry, going to any lengths to keep cheap GMO foods flowing.
Occupy Monsanto Protesters Push Labeling Resolution at Annual Shareholder Meeting
For the first time ever, Monsanto shareholders convened to vote on a resolution to support GMO labeling.
Suppressing Science, Supporting Monsanto: An Academic Journal Retracts
Scientific journal publishing reached a low point in November, when the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology
Revealed: Food Industry Giants Try to Muscle Pro-GMO Federal Law Through Congress
The Grocery Manufacturers Association representing food and beverage leaders like ConAgra, PepsiCo and Kraft is pushing a federal law with non-mandatory labeling standards in an effort to kill GMO labeling initiatives across the country.
General Mills Bans GMOs in Cheerios, Setting New Bar for Cereal Production
Across America the news was greeted with measured optimism as food activists praised the company's decision, saying it would help end the still-popular belief that GMOs are a viable, sustainable future solution for food production.
Could Crowd-Sourced Organic Seed Banks Save Our Agricultural Future?
Navdanya has become a network of seed keepers spread across 17 Indian states, providing crucial sanctuaries of biodiversity.
Brazil's Terminator Seed Bill Threatens to Upend Global Agriculture Safety
In a move that could threaten the 13-year global moratorium on terminator seeds, Brazilian lawmakers are now attempting to push through legislation that defies a UN agreement dating back to the 2000 Convention on Biological Diversity.