The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
This California School District Is Nation's First To Serve 100% Organic GMO-Free Meals
Not only does this program far exceed USDA nutritional standards, but it ties the health of our children to the health of our planet.
Food Safety Group Sues U.S. Regulator for Withholding Information On GMO Crops
The lawsuit filed by the Center for Food Safety accuses the USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service of withholding information about GMOs for more than 13 years.
Pesticides In Paradise: Hawaii's Spike In Birth Defects Points To GMO Crops
Local doctors are in the crosshairs over whether corn that’s been genetically modified to resist pesticides is a source of prosperity or of birth defects and illnesses.
Big Food Spent $50 Million This Year To Defeat GMO Labeling
A new report shows how much food and biotech companies increased their lobbying expenditures in 2015 – mainly to support the Deny Americans the Right to Know Act, which the House passed last month.
House of Reps Says States Can't Require GMO Labels On Food
While government officials and the food industry claim GMOs are safe, consumer advocates seeking transparency on labels argue that no one really knows the long-term impacts of genetically modified crops.
Spinning Food: New Report Shows Industry Spends Billions Getting Us To Eat Unhealthy
Food industry front groups and covert communications teams sponsored are going to unprecedented lengths – and deploying an ever wider array of PR tactics – to make sure consumers keep buying unhealthy products.
In 400 Cities, Thousands Worldwide March Against Monsanto and GMO'S
Saturday marked the third annual March Against Monsanto, as thousands of people in at least 48 countries protested the American biotech giant.
A Hillary Clinton Coronation Will Pave the Way for a Scott Walker Presidency
Hillary Clinton is obviously not a progressive candidate – and she is the epitome of the Washington establishment that most Republicans are running against, and which most Americans have grown to distrust.
Seeds of Change: Corporate Power, Grassroots Resistance and the Battle For the Food System
Despite the power wielded by agribusiness giants that quash legislation designed to protect consumer and farmer interests against genetically modified foods, the global resistance is growing.
Seeds of Power: The Geopolitics of GMOs
The fact is that GMO technology is first and foremost an instrument of corporate power.