The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Boston Judge Acquits 13 Pipeline Protesters in Groundbreaking Decision
The judge made the decision after hearing each defendant's testimony. They argued the threat of climate change necessitated their civil disobedience.
Keep Calm and Starve: UK Government Strips Poor Children of School Lunches
The new measure will leave any family with a net annual income of less than £7,400 unable to claim a free lunch for their children during a school day. Around 1 million children are likely to suffer from the cut.
The Powerful Global Spy Alliance You Never Knew Existed
Details about the meetings of the spy agency coalition SIGINT Seniors are disclosed in a batch of classified documents from the NSA’s internal newsletter, provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Europe Faces Growing Homeless Population as Housing Costs Soar
The gap between rich and poor in the European housing market is widening as the number of homeless people on the continent grows, according to a new study.
170 Arrested in Canada as Anti-Pipeline Protests Continue Against Kinder Morgan Project
More than 170 people were arrested from March 17 to 24 on Burnaby Mountain in Canada taking bold action to stop the Kinder Morgan tar sands pipeline.
'Sabotage' of Democracy as Trump Adds Citizenship Question to 2020 Census
"This administration is now using the census as a weapon against immigrants."
In March For Our Lives, Student Rights Have Become Human Rights
By demanding the right to live, high school students across the country have articulated a concept of student rights as human rights.
'Tip of the Iceberg': Watchdog Files Ethics Complaints Targeting 30 Lobbyists in Trump Administration
One expert estimates that "the real number of potential violations is fourfold."
The March For Our Lives Is Proof That Generation Z Can’t Be Stopped
These kids won’t settle for anything less than change.
Trump Went To Mar-A-Lago This Weekend And March For Our Lives Protesters Showed Up Outside
A rally in West Palm Beach, Florida, got as close as possible to President Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort, where he was spending the weekend while hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated across the country and around the world.