The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Why Training Women In Nonviolent Resistance Is Critical to Movement Success
Bringing millions of people to the streets is not an easy task, but maintaining momentum is even more difficult. It requires resources, organization, training, and time and space to build consensus around planning for the future.
How Lenders Are Turning Low-Level Courts into Dickensian "Debt Collection" Mills
Collectors ranging from federal student lenders, to third-party debt buyers, to utility and ambulance services routinely wield the threat of arrest to intimidate people into paying up.
The Alt-Right Is Literally Killing People. What Will It Take To Stop Them?
The Florida high school massacre, unfortunately, is another data point in a complex and disturbing portrait of the developing, fundamentally disorganized group known as the alt-right.
More Than 100 Cities Worldwide Now Powered Primarily by Renewable Energy
These cities get more than 70 percent of their electricity from wind, solar and other renewables. That’s up since the Paris climate agreement.
As A Historic Freeze Sweeps Through Britain, Fuel Poverty Claims More Lives
Fuel poverty now kills more people in the U.K. than breast cancer and prostate cancer.
Schools Brace for Massive Student Walkouts Over Gun Violence
As schools around the country brace for student walkouts following the deadly shooting in Parkland, Florida, principals and superintendents are scrambling to perform a delicate balancing act.
"We'll See You in Court": Kids Climate Lawsuit Moves Forward After Judge Denies Trump
The three-judge panel with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco denied the White House's writ of mandamus petition.
Italian Elections Show A Floundering Left As Far Right Parties Seize Power
The Lega Nord's Matteo Salvini gained notoriety by calling for the razing of Roma camps in Italy and defending Benito Mussolini's rule. The Lega saw another surge in popularity following the shooting of six African immigrants by a far right extremist in February.
Wells Fargo Is the Go-To Bank for Gunmakers and the NRA
Wells Fargo & Co. has emerged as the preferred financier for the U.S. gun industry.
What Happened After Standing Rock?
For many people, tearing down the camp was just the beginning.