The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Politicized By Trump, Teachers Threaten to Shake Up Red-State Politics
A closer look at the people who make up this movement reveals the distinct Trump-era nature of the uprising.
How the Increase in Suburban Poverty Is Tied to Homelessness
As the housing market stabilized, suburban areas offered the most affordable housing prices for people with families – which helps explain the increase in poverty populations for suburban neighborhoods.
These States Want to Make Planning A Pipeline Protest A Crime
A slew of bills proposed in Louisiana, Pennsylvania, and Minnesota – all states with controversial pipeline projects currently under consideration – take the criminalization of protest one step further.
The Public Banking Movement Has Always Been About Justice
The most inspiring proponents of public banking, like the earliest religious banking advocates, recognized that wealth inequality is arbitrary and dehumanizing.
Hungarians Take to the Streets to Protest an Election Seen as a Hammer Blow to Democracy
Tens of thousands protested in Budapest after a contested election that delivered two-thirds of the seats in Hungary's Parliament to the ruling Fidesz party which won just 47% of the national popular vote.
Kentucky Lawmakers Override Budget Veto in Win for Teachers
The votes came Friday as thousands of teachers rallied inside and outside the Capitol, forcing more than 30 school districts to close as Kentucky continued the chorus of teacher protests across the country.
Capturing Minds: Is There Life After Facebook?
The new crypto-social network Minds allows for the same level of high-functioning interaction as Facebook, but a big difference is that it is completely open-source, decentralized and user-owned.
3 More Reasons for Wealth-Deprived Americans to Take to the Streets
The rest of America has been left behind, but their voices are getting louder – demonstrated by the teachers around the country who are fighting back against income and wealth inequality.
Rebel Cities, 1: "Marielle Franco Presente!"
The brutal murder last month of Marielle Franco – Rio de Janeiro councilwoman, sociologist, single mother and leading light in Brazil's Feminist Spring – has reverberated across the world.
How Privatization Sparked the Massive Oklahoma Teacher Uprising
For more than a decade, state legislators—Democrats and Republicans alike—have marched the state off the proverbial financial cliff, then used budget shortfalls to push privatization.