The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Act Out! [26] - Whistleblowers, awful theme parks, awesome secret societies & diplomacy
It’s our six-month anniversary and we’re celebrating with whistleblowers!
Julian Assange and the Value of WikiLeaks
This is a dangerous person, in words and deeds – dangerous to those who constantly make a killing from war, vast inequities and the plunder of the planet.
Bucking War On Terror, Psychologists Vote Not to Participate In U.S. Torture
The American Psychological Association voted overwhelmingly on Friday to prohibit members from participating in interrogations conducted by U.S. agencies at locations deemed illegal under international law.
Netzpolitik Scandal Embroils Germany As Press Freedom Challenges Surveillance State
"I never would have thought I lived in a country where I could theoretically be under surveillance and I could go to jail for my work."
Exposed: F.D.I.C. Regulator Quit Job to Fight His Own Foreclosure Fraud
"The system is largely gamed, broken and corrupted by money, influence peddling and a revolving door."
Exclusive: Two Years After Snowden Revelations, Glenn Greenwald Talks About Impacts on Surveillance State
"Defeatism is never warranted. There are always ways individuals can tap the power within themselves to confront injustices.”
Hundreds of Tech Companies Line Up to Oppose TPP Trade Agreement
Letter signed by more than 250 firms demands greater transparency and says "dangerously vague" language would criminalize whistleblowers.
"Anything To Say?" Statue of Snowden, Assange, Manning Honors Whistleblowers In Berlin
“They have lost their freedom for the truth, so they remind us how important it is to know the truth."
NSA Phone Surveillance Revealed By Edward Snowden Ruled Illegal
The U.S. court of appeals has ruled that the bulk collection of telephone metadata is unlawful, in a landmark decision that clears the way for a full legal challenge against the National Security Agency.
World's Youth See Snowden As a Hero – Making Surveillance Reform Inevitable
According to a worldwide poll, a large and important segment of global society sees Edward Snowden as hero and whistleblower — and its members are the future.