Many think our government is for sale. However, by taking a look at the facts below provided by Open Secrets, it is easy to understand where they are coming from.
Looking back at Friday the 12th, the House voted on Trade Promotion Authority (TPA), the controversial bill that gives power to the executive branch to negotiate treaties. TPA limits Congress' ability to better a trade deal by subjecting members of Congress to 90 days of reviewing the trade agreement, prohibiting any amendments on the implementing legislation, and giving them an up or down vote.
TPA passed with a mere 219-211 vote with only 218 needed to pass. The real shocker comes from the amount of money each Representative received for a yes vote. In total, $197,869,145 was given to Representatives for a yes vote where as $23,065,231 was given in opposition.
John Boehner (R-OH) received $5.3 million for a "yea" vote and was the highest paid legislator.
Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) received $2.4 million for his "yea" vote.
Paul Ryan (R-WI) received $2.4 million for a "yea" vote and came in at the third highest paid legislator.
Pat Tiberi (R-OH) follows Paul Ryan, coming in the fourth spot having received $1.6 million for his "yea" vote.
The fifth highest paid legislator is somewhat of a "hero" in comparison to others. Representative Steny Hoyer (D-MD) received $1.6 million for a yes vote and only $282,710 for a no vote. Despite his high contribution from those in favor of TPA, he still voted a solid nay.
We also have other hero stories.
Joe Crowley (D-NY) received 1.3 million for a "yea" vote and only $72,550 for a "nay" vote and he still voted against TPA.
Patrick Murphy (D-FL) received 1.1 million for a "yea" vote and only $213,360 for a "nay" vote and still voted against it.
Richard Neal D(MA) received $1.1 million for a "yea" vote and a mere $47,625 for a "nay" vote and still voted against it.
Democrats are not the only heroes in this voting session. GOP members spoke very loud and clear.
Mick Mulvaney (R-SC) received $541,746 for a "yea" vote and no money at all for a "nay" vote and he still voted "nay!"
Andy Harris (R-MD) received $254,803 for a "yea" vote and no money at all for a "nay" vote and he still voted "nay".
Thomas Massie (R-KY) received $250,328 for a "yea" vote and no money at all for a "nay" vote and he still voted "nay."
Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) received $180,832 for a "yea" vote and no money at all for a "nay vote" and she still voted "nay."
Where did this kind of money come from? Those in favor of TPA were security brokers and investment companies who donated a whopping $11.3 million dollars for a "yea" vote. Big banking companies donated $10.1 million dollars. In other words, Wall Street hashed out millions and millions of dollars to push for the passage of TPA.
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Eileene replied on
Why do you not report on
Why do you not report on those that did NOT take the money? Anyone?
Molly Ahrens replied on
Bought Congressional leaders
This is why voters are angry! This is what they are trying to stop Trump from uncovering! Hate Ttump! You can't trust Trump! He is a loose cannon! Here is your proof of what is going on any why you can't get things done. This is why things are being passed that you are totally opposed to. Is this what you want to keep in ongress. I wish there was a way to punish rac and everyone that sold ALL of us out'
Sue replied on
Molly Ahrens replied on
Bought Congressional leaders
This is why voters are angry! This is what they are trying to stop Trump from uncovering! Hate Ttump! You can't trust Trump! He is a loose cannon! Here is your proof of what is going on any why you can't get things done. This is why things are being passed that you are totally opposed to. Is this what you want to keep in ongress. I wish there was a way to punish rac and everyone that sold ALL of us out'
Al replied on
Pass the Fast Track
Those who did not take money were listed as well.
Rick replied on
Who didn't take money
Do you read the WHOLE report. Several reps. Turned down money and received nothing for voting NEA. I am proud my reps from MD. were among them. Don't be so quick to make comments unless you READ THE DAMN STORY!
Tom replied on
Didn't say they didn't take the money
The article did not say they refused any of the money. It said they voted nay. It definitely says they got the money.
Hilda Davis replied on
no money at all for a "nay" vote and he still voted "nay." DOES NOT NOT SAY "NO MONEY AT ALL FOR A NAY VOTE AND STILL VOTED "NAY".
CaptTurbo replied on
TPP Vote
He did show the heroes who voted against it in spite of losing the bribe.
Scott replied on
I'd share it, except you cited ZERO sources whatsoever. A third grade would receive an "F" for such an infraction on a book report.
Lance Donovan F... replied on
Bought Senator's & House Representative's
If anyone doesn't believe this about our lawmakers... Please do your own research. Read the book "Dark Money" by Jane Meyer. Open your eyes.
Iconoclast replied on
This article is nothing but a
This article is nothing but a cut and paste of this article: http://www.opednews.com/.../Almost-200-Million-Donate-by... The only problem with that article is that it cites as its source this web page: http://maplight.org/.../6832028/total-contributions... Which is all well and good except for the fact that THAT web page is about a bill that was passed nearly two weeks before the TPA and was about tax treatment of non-profits -- NOTHING to do with TPA. OH, and there's one other minor detail: Those figures are total donations from all sources to those legislators FOR THE PREVIOUS TWO YEARS, and based on them coming from groups that the AUTHOR ASSUMES would support the bill, which, oh, right, isn't even the bill that passed the TPA. But other than that, this is just an excellent thing believe and get worked up about.
Sharon ODonnell replied on
If you don't think all these
If you don't think all these Politicians are taking bribes your the deluded one ....Why do you think they are pouring nillions and millions to go Against TRUMP. rotten to the Core both sides ..Vote OUT these corrupt bastard .it's rigged for the mooching FAT cat establishment...TRUMP 2016
Go get em .+ Rinos in Congress got a Wake UP coming soon. ..
Randa Walter replied on
Selling votes
How is it possible to legally pay a representative or senator for a vote?
chief yellowhorse replied on
illegal money goes to politicians
this TPA thing is just the tip of the iceberg. when it comes to taking bribes by congress and the senate.
Charles Young replied on
Selling Votes
Randa Walter - It isn't legal to pay a representative for their vote. And the process suggested by the article, that people were paid based on how they voted, is not legal or realistically achievable. That isn't to say that political corruption doesn't go on and maybe it was involved in this vote, but from the way the article is written, the article's voracity is pretty doubtful, in my opinion.
Anthony Garriott replied on
It cant be done legally ,
It cant be done legally , whats your point ???
Walt stawicki replied on
Source and numbers
Thanks for tracing this. I was suspicious because A. The numbers were so specific and B no explanation of these supposed bribes were offered. I would think a few leading papers would have headlined such payments if they were as blatant bribes as portrayed here.
Joanne Sgrignoli replied on
I easily found other sources. This is important enough to put forth the effort.
JerseyPrice replied on
The source was "Open Secrets", mentioned in the first paragraph.
Jennifer White-... replied on
One source is not adequate. I want the credibility level of Progressives and journalism to be rigourous so we can help get the message out if it's accurate. If it's not we trade in half truths.
JerseyPrice replied on
The source was "Open Secrets" mentioned in the first paragraph.
Grandma Moses replied on
The article stated opensecrets.org as the source. I used to rely on them often until they began to publish articles on the site that "explain" their stats. The explanations are misleading and biased, but if you only look at the stats, you can form your own opinion.
Billy Steven DuBose replied on
Vote Trump to stop Corruption in DC!
Vote Trump for a better tomorrow! https://youtu.be/V1bFr2SWP1I
Camille replied on
Trump for a better tomorrow..
You're funny...ROFL
Sharon ODonnell replied on
who you got lying liar muslim owed Killary Clinton . Or Commie nut case Bernie Sanders
Make America Great Again ..You might GASP get a JOB.
Live with protected Walls.We will
Repel the fakugee /Rapugees
.Stand Against this muslim invasion.Look at Greece Germany ,Sweden ..HELL a Somali "refugee " just raped a 10 year old in an elevator in Minnesota.Well,expect more of this violent sexual predator behavior .Stop importing Filthy raping cowards to Our Christian Shores ...TRUMP will send then All back ...To Riddance We the People will Stand OUR + American loving Ground .+
Sharon ODonnell replied on
Good Riddance
Buh buh!+
mmarlio replied on
under table payments
Well I WAS right. The politicians are so weak they allow themselves to be paid off to vote a particular way. They should be thrown out of Congress!!!!!
ktoronto replied on
Payments for vote on TPA
Is this correct, is bribery and corruption happening this openly? Why is this not reported much much more, and given the exposure that it so richly - pardon the pun - deserves.
ktoronto replied on
Payments for vote on TPA
Is this correct, is bribery and corruption happening this openly? Why is this not reported much much more, and given the exposure that it so richly - pardon the pun - deserves.
Iconoclast replied on
This Article is a Fraud
This article is nothing but a cut and paste of this article: http://www.opednews.com/.../Almost-200-Million-Donate-by... (Click Originally Published for the source). The only problem with that article is that it cites as its source this web page: http://maplight.org/.../6832028/total-contributions... (Click the link in that article for the source) Which is all well and good except for the fact that THAT web page is about a bill that was passed nearly two weeks before the TPA and was about tax treatment of non-profits -- NOTHING to do with TPA. OH, and there's one other minor detail: Those figures are total donations from all sources to those legislators FOR THE PREVIOUS TWO YEARS, and based on them coming from groups that the AUTHOR ASSUMES would support the bill, which, oh, right, isn't even the bill that passed the TPA. But other than that, this is just an excellent thing believe and get worked up about. What a piece of incredibly shoddy journalism. Pathetic.
Paid for votes
If the article is correct and you were paid for your vote goes to prove corruption is doing well in the House. What a bunch of Rinos.
D S New England replied on
Paid for Votes
Your right on Representatives getting paid for votes, this is pure corruption.
JWnTX replied on
Just came by...
To see if people still read this drivel. Seems most are on to the fact that Occupy is Just an arm of the Democratic Party. It's a shame that stupidity can be spread so easily.
John C replied on
one sided
List the democrats who took the big money. As always you idiot liberals protect the crooks on the democrat side. You're part of the problem. America is an oligarchy and your side is also bought and paid for by the rich 1%.
Great Grandma replied on
If this is true why is no-one bringing suit against these people who supposedly took these bribes?
Great Grandma replied on
If this is true please get
If this is true please get the proof together and get someone like Judicial Watch to file a suit against those who you can prove took money for votes.
Peacemaker replied on
corruption in us government.
Please read this article if you want to find out how you are really governed in the us. Aren't we just sick of this? When our people are suffering. Time for change. Now.
Oscar Byington replied on
I am surprised that the crooks running our country are being exposed. No wonder these bastards do not want to leave the government position. They care not for the people that put them in office. No wonder they hate to leave the government tit. How much longer do these bastards want to suck the tit? A very dissatisfied citizen with both disgraceful parties.
Barbara meyers replied on
Money is the root of all evil!!! They should be a shamed of their self!! When you get money that way
Bring s bad luck
They don't believe in God!!
Robin Hinson replied on
TPA Vote
Why do they get paid anything to vote. Is that not their job that they were voted into office for to begin with. Do they not get paid a lot of money for doing their job??? This is stupid.
MB replied on
Reason Washington does not represent the people of America!
Politics is big money! Now we know why we the people are not heard in Washington!
Now we also know why they are afraid of Donald Trump!
Now we know why the Bushes and Ryan and Romney are not backing Donald Trump and rather see Hillary get in, as she will keep their sweet deals coming, as she likes lining her own pockets!
One yea vote, is that more than you make in a year? Two three years?
Dirty business politics!
Frank replied on
Government for sale?
The U.S. government is the most corrupt, criminal. deceitful and dishonest government on the planet.
America-Rising replied on
Ryay\n - Receipts
Note that Ryan received ZERO contributions from individuals in the $0-$500 range. Many big shots just put "Retired" so they don't have to reveal their interests...
Marilyn Witt replied on
Getting paid for voting?
Mary Bartolo replied on
Cash payouts for votes!
What the hell is this! This is taxpayer money being used to bribe government servants for their votes!! This does not put the needs of American citizens first as a priority and anyone who has accepted money for a vote, should immediately be fired and removed from office and anyone who paid out money or took any part in this fiasco should also be fired and immediately removed from office! In fact they should all face criminal charges for defrauding the American people of their tax dollars that are meant to be spent wisely! Using our money to work against us is outrageous! Using money from any source is just as heinous because you are still buying votes! This has to be illegal! Heads need to roll and any decisions made must be rescinded because they are not valid and lawful under these circumstances!
Debbie replied on
Your telling us....hard working middle class people like me can't buy a house of any kind, but they get paid for a yea wow
Now cut our taxes on middle class
Or cut your pay
Our government isn't for the people
They're only looking after them selfs
Kim Marie Harris replied on
Enough of the elite.... ARREST THE ELITE NOW!!
I was reading my The Oxford Dictionary Of Quotations. This Quote screams a me......."Thus I live in a world rather as a spectator of mankind than as one of the species." Joseph Addison 1672-1719
Wow it is in print and no one has questioned this at all What?!?!?!
"If a plane can not fly, it can not spread poison. If someone is fired, they can no longer boss others. If the bad guys tanks are underground, do not let them out. It is time to arrest them, why would we let them continue? To let them continue is that not insanity? Arrest the elite now!!" Written by Kim Marie Harris
Start telling every person you know that you love them. spread the love!!!!!!! I Love You ALL, even if you hate me. I STILL LOVE YOU ALL. STAY SAFE ALL. Kim Marie Harris
lewis hill replied on
thought this was against the law bribery .how can they get away with this ...why are they above the law
John replied on
I can't find this anywhere. The numbers look suspiciously like those on Maplight for votes on a modification to the IRS code permitting appeals by organizations turned down for tax-exempt status. I find nothing at Open Secrets about these donations and TPA.