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Hold your nose! Voting for the lesser of two evils?

Hold your nose! Voting for the lesser of two evils?
Fri, 8/10/2012
This article originally appeared on D.C. Mic Check

I first heard liberals’ rationale for voting against their own values and interests during the infamous 2000 presidential election: “I’ll vote while holding my nose!” In the decade since then, my reaction to that gutless cop-out has gone from outrage to annoyance to mild amusement to hysterics.

In every instance, my question has been the same: “how much longer are you going to sit still for the Democratic Party’s abuse? What are you going to do when the stench gets so bad that holding your nose doesn’t work?” I’m still waiting for an answer.

The brain-dead philosophy of Liberal America, “holding your nose” and voting for “the lesser evil”, has yielded absolutely zero benefits. In fact, the continued insistence on acting against their own interests fits the classic definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results.

So, you can imagine my shock and chagrin when I saw this recent article by Sam Smith, published at his Progressive Review. Normally a bastion of sanity and clear, independent thought, Smith’s statement of capitulation to lesser-evilism advocates an “Obama One Night Stand” Movement. I don’t know whether to laugh until I piss myself, or lay down on a railroad track.”

The D.C. Mic Check will be running a series of articles, editorials, and cartoons on Tuesdays (leading up to Election Day on Tuesday, November 6) about the decision to vote or not. This is the first in the series.



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Article Tabs

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The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.

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The world has lost an incredible thinker and doer. I have lost an amazing friend. A void exists where before it was filled with David's optimism, humour and joy.

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prison reform, incarceration rates, private prisons, for-profit prisons, white supremacy, enslavement, climate justice, racial justice, Green New Deal

The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.

coronavirus pandemic, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Jair Bolsonaro, COVID-19 deaths, downplaying coronavirus

By infecting three of the world’s most right-wing leaders, the coronavirus underscored not only the incompetence and irresponsibility of their governments – but the truth that their brand of populism doesn't keep people safe.

COVID-19, corporate bailouts, corporate welfare, corporate destruction

Corporations are not "too big to fail" and, when they commit crimes, they are not "too big to jail." As David Whyte writes in his new book, "Ecocide: Kill the Corporation Before It Kills Us," the moment is now to rein in out-of-control corporate power.

The world has lost an incredible thinker and doer. I have lost an amazing friend. A void exists where before it was filled with David's optimism, humour and joy.

Kevin Zeese speaks at a rally for Chelsea Manning. By Ellen Davidson.

Kevin fought to bring truth every day. We must not lose this struggle.