The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act: Rebranding Constitutionally Protected Behavior as Terrorism
By rebranding activism as terrorism, corporate interests have made it far too easy for some of our bravest activists to be locked away for years.
Julian Assange Launches WikiLeaks Party in Australia
The founder of the world's most prominent whistleblower group formally announced the launch of the WikiLeaks Party on Thursday, along with his candidacy and six other members who will run for senate seats in Australia's fall election.
"Bagful of Cash" Exposes Chamber of Commerce As Supreme Corporate Lobby
A new report shows how the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has invested millions of corporate dollars into opposing all legislation relating to healthcare, financial reform, closing corporate tax loopholes, and addressing climate change.
JPMorgan Chase to Pay $500 Million for Energy Fixing Scandal
The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has fined Chase for manipulating energy prices in Enron-esque fashion in Michigan and California.
Global Power Project, Part 6: Banking on Influence With Bank of America
Bank of America and others continue to get "backdoor bailouts" through the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, which acts as a legal guarantor and protector of the Wall Street chain gang of criminal conglomerates.
What Edward Snowden Taught Us About American Freedom
Americans fully recognize the threat the U.S. security state poses to American liberty, with a poll last week showing 55% consider Edward Snowden a whistleblower, not a traitor. But who, now, will protect this hero?
Revealed: Global Anti-Money Laundering Campaign Is Failing Through Weak Financial Oversight
After nearly 25 year of failed efforts, experts still ponder how to implement an anti-money laundering regime that works.
Denouncing NSA Surveillance Isn’t Enough — We Need the Power to Stop It
At the core of the surveillance state is the hollowness of its democratic pretenses. Only with authentic democracy can we save ourselves from devastating evisceration of the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments.
The Insider Threat Program: Obama's Crackdown on Leaks That "Aid the Enemy"
Even before Edward Snowden exposed the secret collection of Americans’ phone records, the Obama administration was pressing a new and unprecedented government-wide crackdown on security threats.
Fighting the Surveillance State: An Interview with Iceland's Birgitta Jonsdottir
Bradley Manning, Julian Assange and Edward Snowden represent just the tip of the iceberg of a popular resistance that is challenging the U.S. government’s excesses in surveillance, says the Icelandic MP.