The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Thomas Piketty
The Year in Inequality: Racial Disparity Can No Longer Be Ignored
There’s no way policymakers can adequately address inequality in the United States overall without recognizing the effects of the racial wealth gap.
Revisiting Machiavelli: This Is What Oligarchic Democracy Looks Like
Political equality and true democracy are at the moment only ideals toward which we are striving – while the political institutions and policies underpinning oligarchic power must be dismantled.
What Piketty Forgot: The Ecological Inequality That Threatens Us With Extinction
The crisis of capitalism isn't just about the gap between rich and poor – it's about the gap between what’s demanded by our planet and what’s demanded by our economy.
From Occupation To Reconstruction: This Movement Is Just Beginning
The networks of activists that formed in the midst of 2011’s worldwide wave of protest are no longer focusing on opposing an unjust system – they’re testing ways to replace it with something new.
Inequality Is Not Inevitable: Rewriting Laws to Reverse A Politics of Greed
Widening and deepening inequality is not driven by immutable economic laws, but by laws we have written ourselves.
The Ownership Revolution: A Future Emerging After Capital
Credit unions — member-owned, one-person, one-vote banks — control more than $1.1 trillion in assets, as much as those of some of Wall Street’s largest financial institutions.
Another French Economist Cracks the Nut – Revealing True Costs of Tax Evasion
By analyzing data from central banks in Switzerland and Luxembourg, Gabriel Zucman has put creditable numbers on tax evasion, showing that it’s rampant – and a major driver of wealth inequality.
CEO's Made 331 Times As Much as Their Workers Last Year
In 2013, CEOs of S&P 500 companies made 331 times as much as their employees.
Sobering Up: Why the 1% Is Fussing About Guillotines
Americans are under attack daily – and the super rich are starting to wonder how far they can erode our quality of life before something might just snap.
Can Rock-Star Economist Thomas Piketty Re-Write the American Dream?
The unlikely bestseller has roiled pundits and crystallized a conversation about inequality we should have had long ago. Now he has to win over normal people.