The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Act Out! [59] - The People’s March on Washington
This past week, thousands of people marched and were arrested on the steps of the Capitol demanding that the people’s voice be heard: that we the people, not money, be the driving force of our government.
The Revolt Against the Ruling Class
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders are agents of a revolt, from the left and the right, fueled by anger at those who have had power over our economic and political system since the start of the 1980s.
Bernie Sanders Calls for "Political Revolution" Against Billionaire Class
"I get very frightened about the future of American democracy when this becomes a battle between billionaires. We need a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United.”
The World Has Reached Peak Plutocracy
A few years ago there was considerable debate about “peak oil," but now we may be reaching a more dangerous point: peak plutocracy, where society and the environment can sustain no more concentration of power and resources.
How America Became An Oligarchy
If governments are recalling their sovereign powers, they might start with the power to create money, which was usurped by private interests while the people were asleep at the wheel.
Midterms Prediction: Billionaires to Retain Control of Government
This is satire. But sadly, it's also true.
Revisiting Machiavelli: This Is What Oligarchic Democracy Looks Like
Political equality and true democracy are at the moment only ideals toward which we are striving – while the political institutions and policies underpinning oligarchic power must be dismantled.
Democracy Rebellion Begins To Roll
Declare Independence from the Oligarchy & their Corporate State. Join the Rolling Rebellion Actions Near You!
Scholar Behind Viral "Oligarchy" Study Tells Us What It Means
Contrary to what decades of political science research might lead you to believe, ordinary U.S. citizens have virtually no influence over what their government does.
How Revolutionary Movements' Fear of Money Helps the Oligarchy
We live in a revolutionary activist culture that teaches people to be afraid of money, to never ask for it, and to never openly say you want it or need it – and meanwhile, the oligarchy runs laps around us.