The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Net Neutrality
Web For All: Winning Internet Freedom Is A Central Battle for Real Democracy
The FCC is threatening to kill the Internet's innovative, information-democratizing potential because doing so serves the interests of the biggest corporations whose wealth dominates government.
How Activists Put Protection of the Internet Back on the National Agenda
Over 3.4 million Internet users took action against the FCC’s proposed rules in recent weeks – grassroots pressure that forced tech giants like Google, Facebook and Amazon to get off the sidelines.
Today, I Help Keep the Internet Free
The Internet Is yours. If you do not stand up to be counted, you will lose this information and communication tool as you have come to know it.
Abrupt Shift Coming: Warnings Along FCC’s Fast Lane
Message to Government from tech companies Amazon, eBay, Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo et al: You are about to break the Internet and you will be deeply sorry if you do.
The People’s Firewall: Protesters Occupy the FCC to Halt Net Discrimination Rules
Before the FCC holds its next open meeting, citizen pressure needs to build to demand reclassifying the Internet as a common carrier, putting into law net neutrality.
The Stakes for Activists in Defense of the Digital Commons
New rules pushed by the FCC will give companies the option to pay more and receive faster access online, leaving the 99% out in the cold.
Net Neutrality Wins In Brazil’s "Internet Constitution"
The groundbreaking legislation in South America’s biggest country would enshrine Net neutrality and attempt to curb NSA spying.
How Net Neutrality Lost The Tech Giants
What happens when the cause’s most effective champions outgrow the cause?
Verizon v. FCC and What the Fall of Net Neutrality Really Means
Verizon v. the FCC is crushing democracy, justice, and cat videos in one swoop. Here's the sordid backstory behind the fall of net neutrality.
Web of Resistance: How the End of Net Neutrality Marks the Next Battle for the 99%
Net neutrality is essential for the exercise of free speech online. If access to the open Internet isn't guaranteed, freedom of speech can't be guaranteed, either.