The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
National Security Agency
NSA Pushed 9/11 As Key "Sound Bite" to Justify Surveillance
The National Security Agency advised its officials to cite the 9/11 attacks as justification for its mass surveillance activities.
Google and Yahoo Furious Over Reports that NSA Secretly Intercepts Data Links
Leaked files suggest the NSA, in partnership with its British counterpart GCHQ, is collecting information "at will" by intercepting cables that connect Google and Yahoo's data hubs.
Spain Reports NSA Tracked 60 Million Phone Calls In a Month
The Spanish newspaper El Mundo reproduced a graphic illustrating that the NSA spied on tens of millions of phone calls in the country late last year, widening the net of European nations and leaders under heavy U.S. surveillance.
Thousands March on Washington Demanding End to Surveillance
Masses of protesters aligned with the coalition Stop Watching Us assembled on the 12th anniversary of the Patriot Act to urge Congress to reform the legal framework that supports the government's secretive online data gathering network.
Exclusive: Who Killed Michael Hastings?
Four months after Hastings's fatal car accident in L.A., new facts and evidence continue to emerge raising serious questions about whether the journalist was assassinated, the breadth of cyber-techniques that may have been used, and who might have done it.
Snowden Reveals NSA Spying on Mexican Government and President
The NSA intercepted Mexican government communications, read text messages and listened to phone calls of President Enrique Pena Nieto, and hacked private email servers across Latin America.
Taking the Fight for Electronic Privacy to the Streets
On Oct. 26, a bipartisan coalition will stage the nation's biggest domestic protest against mass surveillance as thousands march on Capitol Hill to demand the right to private communication.
NSA Security at Utah Data Center Stops Journalists From Shooting Video
The NSA does not want you at the Utah Data Center, nor does it want you filming there.
The Government Leakers Who Truly Endanger America Will Never Face Prosecution
Vast troves of U.S. secrets get regularly leaked by skilled teams of government officials engaged in propaganda campaigns to influence public opinion — posing a far graver threat to national security than revelations by Edward Snowden.
Have a Nice Day, NSA: Brazil's "Mad Cow" Retaliation to U.S. Spying
Brazil's president called NSA surveillance of her country “a breach of international law” and a violation of human rights.