The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Monsanto Media Blackout: What Do 2 Million People in 436 Cities Know That You Don't?
Over 2 million people participated in the Marches Against Monsanto in 436 cities across the globe late last month. Yet television coverage by the corporate media was nearly non-existent. Isn't it about time we asked why?
Thousands Around World Marched Against Monsanto
Hundreds of protesters took to the streets in downtown Los Angeles on Saturday as part of a global series of marches against seed giant Monsanto and genetically modified foods.
Monsanto Protection Act May Soon be Repealed Thanks to Activism
A United States Senator is expected to try to repeal the law after mounting public pressure.
A New App Lets You Boycott Koch Brothers and Monsanto By Scanning Your Shopping Cart
Want to see who's really selling you that box of sugar?
Genetically Modified Justice: Why the Supreme Court Ruled for Monsanto
Farmers must pay Monsanto each time they plant the company’s genetically modified soybeans, the Supreme Court ruled this week, rejecting an Indiana farmer’s argument that his unorthodox techniques did not violate the company’s patent.
The GMO Coup: How Monsanto Took Over the U.S. Agriculture Department
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has been taken over by an outside organization. RootsAction has launched a campaign demanding a Congressional investigation.
Vermont House Passes GMO Labeling Bill Ahead of Global March Against Monsanto
Vermont took a decisive step in favor of GMO labeling ahead of the worldwide March Against Monsanto set for May 25.
Monsanto's Astonishing Rise to Power
How Monsanto went from selling aspirin to controlling our food, poisoning our land and influencing all three branches of government.
Another Government Is Necessary: It's Time to Manifest Our Power
The launch of the Green Shadow Cabinet comes at a time when people are increasingly ready to leave the corrupt two-party system.
Nestle's CEO Says Water Is Not a Human Right
Raking in $35 billion in annual profits from water bottle sales alone is not enough for Nestle—its Chairman wants corporations to own every last drop of water on the planet.