Jake Olzen

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  • Wildcat Winter: How the Walmart Labor Struggle is Going Global

    The 2.1 million Walmart workers constitute the third-largest workforce in the world, following the U.S. Department of Defense and the People’s Liberation Army of China. And they are revolting.

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  • Momentum Builds for Historic Black Friday Strike at Walmart

    In a taste of what the nation’s largest retailer can expect on Black Friday, frustrated Walmart workers have started walking off their jobs to protest their employer’s attempts to silence outspoken workers.

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  • Occupying the Food Supply in Iowa

    Executives from Pepsi, Nestlé, Bayer, Monsanto and other giants of the corporate food system will face a slew of protests at this week's three-day World Food Prize held in Des Moines. The demand: food sovereignty.

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  • The Police State on Trial

    "We are fighting for due process and for the first amendment," says one plaintiff battling the National Defense Authorization Act, "for a country we still believe in and for a government still legally bound by its constitution."

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  • ALEC in the Hotseat

    After numerous company defections in the past year, the uber-right wing American Legislative Exchange Council was confronted by an energized coalition of activists at its yearly summit in Salt Lake City.

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