The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Fourth Amendment
Denouncing NSA Surveillance Isn’t Enough — We Need the Power to Stop It
At the core of the surveillance state is the hollowness of its democratic pretenses. Only with authentic democracy can we save ourselves from devastating evisceration of the First, Fourth and Fifth Amendments.
10 Ways America Is Stepping Into a Police State
In the past decade the United States has moved toward a police state in small but key ways.
Constitutional Uprising: Thousands Join "Restore the Fourth" Protests on July 4th
Thousands will be gathering in dozens of cities on the 4th of July, as "Restore the Fourth" protests demand an end to unconstitutional governmental surveillance programs that violate the 4th Amendment.
Spying on Americans: A Very Old Story
There is nothing new about political surveillance. In the United States, political spying by the federal government began in the early part of the twentieth century.
America's Defining Choice: A Free or An Authoritian Future
Today's whistleblowers are fighting the same scourge that the Founders and every genuine patriot has fought against, only today, the authoritarianism that we're confronting isn't a foreign enemy, but one from within.
NSA Surveillance, the Occupy Movement and Defending Our Constitutional Rights
Our government has gone beyond its obligations to uphold the law and is blatantly violating constitutional freedoms.
Outsourcing Big Brother: How the FBI and CIA Use Private Contractors to Monitor Social Media
Companies like Palantir Technologies Inc, Booz Allen Hamilton and i2 are mining your Facebook and Twitter data to discern whether you're a terrorist, have ties to terrorists — or maybe just have the potential to someday become one.
Stop Watching Us: New Petition Website Demands Congressional Investigation of NSA Surveillance
A coalition of 85 technology companies, organizations and privacy advocates launched a website Tuesday calling for a special congressional committee to investigate the National Security Agency’s secret surveillance program.
Supreme Court Rules That Police Can Take Your DNA Even If You Haven't Been Convicted of a Crime
The nation's highest court ruled today that the police have the power to take DNA samples from people arrested for a crime.
Tennessee Joins States Restricting Drone Flights, Citing Fourth Amendment
Governor Bill Haslam signed the Freedom of Unwarranted Surveillance Act into law last week, making Tennessee the fifth state to pass legislation restricting drone surveillance by police and federal agencies.