The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Financial Transaction Tax
Beyond Divestment: Declaring Eminent Domain To Keep Fuels In the Ground
How are we going to realistically induce resource owners to leave these reserves untapped? It’s not a question enough people are asking.
Three Demands to Congress: Student Loans, Glass-Steagall & a Financial Transaction Tax
People rule in a democracy. Not Wall Street, not banks, not money. This is something apparently forgotten by Congress.
Illinois Bill Seeks Financial Transaction Tax on $800 Trillion Derivatives Market
A Financial Transaction Tax would be easy to administer and difficult to evade. Why should the rest of us pay up to 10% on the necessities of life while risky derivative purchases aren't taxed at all?
The Rich Have Gained $5.6 Trillion in the "Recovery," While the Rest of Us Have Lost $669 Billion
It's no accident.
Most Americans Want A Financial Transaction Tax -- Will Congress Hear the Call?
The proposed financial transaction tax, introduced to Congress several weeks ago, would generate more than $300 billion a year in revenue. 60 percent of Americans support it. But Congress, as usual, is stalling.
A Tax That May Change the Trading Game
To the dismay of the United States government — not to mention Wall Street — much of Europe seems poised to begin taxing financial trading as soon as next year.
The .03% Solution
How a tiny tax on financial transactions could raise revenue and help the capital markets.
Can America Follow Europe's Lead on a Financial Transaction Tax?
Eleven European countries have said yes to a financial transaction tax that will bring in 10 cents on every $100. If the U.S. instituted something similar, it would raise more than $100 billion a year.