The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Ferguson protests
White Officer Pepper-Sprays Crowd At Black Lives Matter Conference In Cleveland
The incident occurred Sunday during protests against the arrest of a 14-year-old.
Documents Show Feds Regularly Monitor Black Lives Matter Protesters Nationwide
The reports confirm social media surveillance of the movement and related events in Ferguson, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and New York – including watching over vigils, parades and other benign gatherings.
Why Is U.S. Media Ignoring the Assault on Southern Black Churches?
That numerous black churches in the South have been burned just a little over a week since the racially-motivated terrorist attack in Charleston lends credibility to the theory that racist organizations are at work.
All 50 U.S. States Fail To Meet Global Police Use of Force Standards, Amnesty Reports
No state complies with international standards on the lethal use of force by law enforcement officers – and 13 states fall beneath even lower legal standards enshrined in U.S. constitutional law.
If We Want Less Racism, We Need More Economic Justice
The Justice Department report on Ferguson demonstrates how economic hardship and racial tension feed off each other.
Black Lives Matter: The Evolution of A Movement
It all began with Patrisse Cullors, Eric Garner and Michael Brown.
Tens of Thousands March on Selma As Attorney General Declares Voting Rights Act "Under Siege"
Speaking Sunday in Selma, AG Eric Holder said hard-won protections for African Americans are under threat – and that the Civil Rights Movement's work is not done as long as racial barriers remain at U.S. voting booths.
Police Killed More Than Twice As Many People As FBI Reported; Darren Wilson Walks
An average of 545 people killed by local and state law enforcement officers in the U.S. went uncounted in the country’s most authoritative crime statistics every year for almost a decade, according to a report released on Tuesday.
Why Black Lives Matter Needs the Black Panthers
A half century ago, activists were demanding not only the recognition that black lives matter but also the right to black power.
Moving Forward Together, North Carolina Is Leading the Next Civil Rights Movement
The only way to beat organized money is to have organized people.