The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Terracide and the Terrarists: Destroying the Planet for Record Profits
It’s time to talk bluntly about the terrarists of our world: the men who run giant energy companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, BP and Shell.
Fracking: Coming Soon To Suburbia
The fracking industry has taken over the U.S., with more than 500,000 oil-producing wells located in rural and suburban land throughout the country in 2012.
19-Year-Old Kennedy: Why It’s Worth Going to Jail to Stop Keystone XL
Ever since I chained myself to the White House fence with 47 other protestors urging President Obama to kill the Keystone pipeline, people have asked me why I felt so strongly about the issue.
In Unusual Setback, the EPA Rejects State Dept's Keystone Pipeline Review
Calling the State Department's 2,000 page oil industry-funded review of the Keystone XL pipeline "insufficient," the EPA rejected it.
Letter from Mayflower, Arkansas: From the Blockade to Mutual Aid
Before going to Mayflower, I had never seen tar sands bitumen in person. I had never smelled it, nor had I experienced how it starts to sicken you the minute you get near it: headaches, burning throat, fatigue, gut-aches, vomiting and diarrhea.
Exxon Swears to Gosh it Doesn’t Hate Your Children, Really
On the heels of ExxonMobil's really tough couple of weeks sopping up that grievous tar sands oil spill in suburban Arkansas, America's most profitable corporation is now trying to stop a different leak: a novel attack-ad campaign.
10 Corporate Tax Dodgers and Their Tax Loopholes
A new report looks at 10 U.S. corporations that used an array of tax loopholes and corporate subsidies to slash their tax bills.
Revealed: How Walmart, Exxon and Coke Buy Latino Friends in Congress
Seven weeks into the 113th Congress, as lawmakers began work on immigration reform and a tax code overhaul, powerful corporate lobbyists in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute scored premium access to politicians.
Exposed: Frackademics at USC Release "Powering California" Study
Frackademia—shorthand for bogus science, economics and research results paid for by the oil and gas industry—has struck again in California, this time touting the future of Monterey's shale deposits.
Revealed: State Dept's Keystone Assessment Linked to Big Oil
The State Department's environmental impact statement on the Keystone XL pipeline was written by a private consulting firm paid by the pipeline’s owner, Transcanada, with links to ExxonMobil, BP and Koch Industries.