The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Donald Trump
Far-Right Trump Backers Biggest Purveyors of Sensationalist, Low-Quality News: Oxford Study
Right-wingers' consumption of "junk news" is harmful to democracy, researchers find.
"Nobody Wants You": Trump’s Cancelled U.K. Visit Highlights the Power of Protestors
When news emerged last month that Donald Trump was cancelling his February stop in London, much of the country erupted in elation as campaigners hailed the president’s U-turn from Britain a “huge victory for our movement.”
Blackwater and the Corporate Mercenaries Who've Changed the Rules of War
The UN asserts that mercenarism is against international humanitarian law, but this hardly seems to matter. By exploiting legal loopholes along with some creative lawyering, the modern mercenary now operates with impunity.
Richest 1% Captured 82% of Wealth Created Last Year – While Poorest Half of the World Got Nothing
A new Oxfam analysis shows that one new billionaire was created every other day in 2017.
"World Economic Fiasco": Thousands March Ahead of Trump's Davos Arrival
"The discussions between the richest one percent of the world and a man who fuels an aggressive atmosphere towards women and minorities has no place in Switzerland."
"Presidency for Sale": Report Details Big-Buck Spending by Influence Seekers at Trump Properties
"Business is booming at the Trump International Hotel in D.C., not because of the décor, but because corporations and foreign governments want to curry favor with the president," according to a new report by Public Citizen.
Drowning In Oil: How Trump’s Offshore Drilling Policies Will Impact the U.S. Coastline
Even if you could care less about the seals and only care about the dollars, offshore oil drilling is a stupid proposition. That’s probably why Trump loves it.
Trump Administration Waives Punishment For Convicted Banks, Including Deutsche—Which Trump Owes Millions
One of the Trump administration waivers for the LIBOR scandal was granted to Deutsche Bank — which is owed at least $130 million by President Trump and his business empire, and has also been fined for its role in Russian money laundering.
A Lawsuit Seeks to Uncover How the DOJ Surveils Journalists
If First Amendment rights prevail, more truths can be expected to leak as journalists work to hold the administration accountable.
E.P.A. Employees Spoke Out. Then Came Scrutiny of Their Email.
“This is a witch hunt against E.P.A. employees who are only trying to protect human health and the environment,” said Gary Morton, an E.P.A. employee in Philadelphia. “What they are doing is trying to intimidate and bully us into silence."