The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
constitutional violations
Detroit's Water Shutoffs – And a Rising Resistance Movement
A few days after thousands marched on downtown Detroit last weekend, the city suspended mass water shutoffs for 15 days – leaving more than 15,000 households already disconnected.
In Cecily McMillan Trial, NYPD Case Against Occupy Activist Doesn’t Add Up
Cecily McMillan faces up to seven years in jail on charges of assaulting a police officer, sending a chilling message to Occupy protesters.
12 States and Counting: Vermont Legislation Is Latest to Take on NSA Spying
The Green Mountain State last week introduced the Fourth Amendment Protection Act, which would prohibit any state support of the National Security Agency.
Beyond the NSA: Other Agencies Spy on You, Too
The Surveillance State Repeal Act would rescind the PATRIOT Act entirely, as well as the 2008 amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, restoring rights that have been constitutionally violated by the FBI among other agencies.
Why More American Cities Are Rejecting the National Defense Authorization Act
As Americans stand up to claim and defend their birthright of liberty and democracy, the tide is beginning to turn against the detention provisions of the 2012 National Defense Authorization Act, as legislation is passing in more U.S. cities.
Civil Rights Lawyers Challenge Judge's Removal After Stop-and-Frisk Ruling
Attorneys from the Center of Constitutional Rights say that a ruling to remove U.S. district judge Shira Scheindlin, who sought to overturn New York City's stop-and-frisk policy, was "unprecedented and unwarranted" and want the court to reconsider.
Albany, N.Y., Unanimously Passes Anti-NDAA Resolution
On October 7, the Albany, NY Common Council unanimously passed a resolution making it the first U.S. city to prohibit indefinite military detention without charge or trial under the National Defense Authorization Act.
Greenpeace Activists To Be Held 2 Months For Arctic Oil Protest
A Russian court ordered 20 Greenpeace activists from around the world to be held in custody for two months over a protest against offshore oil drilling in the Arctic.
Exposed: NYPD Secretly Labels Mosques As Terror Groups and Spies on Them
Confidential police documents uncovered by the AP show at least a dozen terrorism investigations into mosques since 9/11, with the NYPD using informants to record sermons and spy on imams, often without evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
The NSA Is Turning the Internet Into a Total Surveillance System
Whether the National Security Agency inspects and retains messages for years, or only searches through them once before moving on, the invasion of Americans' privacy is real and immediate.