The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
climate deniers
The Lawsuit That Could Save the Planet
With Donald Trump proposing to undo President Obama's climate legacy, hope for a safe climate future may rest in the hands of the courts – in particular, a ruling that 21 young Americans can proceed to trial against the Obama administration.
Environmentalists Want Your Help Building a Climate Congress
A group of Californians are trying to crowdsource a Wiki on the environmental stances of candidates for the U.S. House and Senate.
The World Has Passed A Dangerous CO2 Pollution Threshold, But Climate Deniers Still Push U.S. Inaction
As we surpass dangerous CO2 pollution levels and the evidence of climate change is visible all over the U.S., we’re still a country ruled largely by climate change deniers. Worse still, we don’t seem all that concerned by that fact.
Trump acknowledges climate change —at his golf course
The billionaire who called global warming a hoax is now warning of its dire effects in his company's application to build a sea wall to protect Trump International Golf Links & Hotel Ireland in County Clare.
Did Shell's Failure to Disclose Climate Risks Break the Law?
Congressmen who have asked the Securities and Exchange Commission to investigate Exxon now request a similar probe of Shell.
Exxon Scientist: Oil Giant Knew 35 Years Ago About Climate Change – And Denied It Ever After
A newly discovered email from Exxon's in-house climate expert reveals the world's biggest oil company knew about climate change but spent more than $30 million on think tanks and researchers who denied its existence.
Harvard-Smithsonian Climate Skeptic Took $1.2 Million From Fossil Fuel Corporations
Willie Soon, a widely published scientist considered an "authority" by those rejecting the science behind climate change, has received vast amounts of cash from Exxon Mobil, the American Petroleum Institute and the Koch family.
Republican Billionaire Pledges $175 Million to Push Party On Climate Change
A North Carolina executive is pouring his own money into trying to sway people in the GOP to take global warming seriously.
Why Money in Politics Is Darkening the Future for Millennials
From student debt to climate change, and from fair pay to gun control, young people are seeing the issues that affect them most lose out to the interests of rich corporations and the super wealthy whose power shapes Congress.
Head of U.S. Episcopal Church Says Climate Denial Is Immoral
Katharine Jefferts Schori, one of the most powerful women in Christianity, says those who reject the underlying science of climate change are turning their backs on God’s gift of knowledge.