The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
climate denial
The Law Of Partial Pressures: Paris COP21 Is Filled with John Daltons and Few Republicans
The view of America from Paris, from Europe and most of the world reveals a once-great nation that has become a floundering token of retrograde thinking led by anti-futurism and anti-humanism.
Republican Billionaire Pledges $175 Million to Push Party On Climate Change
A North Carolina executive is pouring his own money into trying to sway people in the GOP to take global warming seriously.
Head of U.S. Episcopal Church Says Climate Denial Is Immoral
Katharine Jefferts Schori, one of the most powerful women in Christianity, says those who reject the underlying science of climate change are turning their backs on God’s gift of knowledge.
Climate Denial Is Now Shaping the G20 Summit In Australia, Where Coal Is King
Prime Minister Tony Abbott, an avowed skeptic of human-caused climate change, has resisted calls for global warming to be discussed when world leaders gather this week.
Google Becomes Latest Tech Giant to Drop A.L.E.C. Over Climate Denial
Microsoft, Facebook, Yelp and Yahoo are among other firms parting ways with the American Legislative Exchange Council, which has consistently opposed and obstructed climate change policies.
What Will It Take To Create Climate Justice?
There's still a long way to go to stop the division in the environmental movement and get traditional groups to treat climate change as an urgent disaster for which real solutions – not false compromises – are needed.
New York Protesters Descend on Met Museum To Oppose Naming Of David H. Koch Plaza
As the world prepares to converge on New York City in a mass call for climate justice, the Metropolitan Museum of Art will honor David H. Koch, a 4-star general in the dirty energy industry’s war against planet Earth.
Media Coverage Or No, The Winds of Climate Change Are Upon Us
The extreme storms recently battering Britain and Europe suggest you don't need to look as far as the Arctic to see climate change’s onset. Why does the media still refuse to cover this crisis?
Climate Change and How We Write About It
Those who write about climate change face a banquet of awful riches.
Revealed: Majority of Red-State Americans Now Believe Climate Change is Real
Breaking research reveals 87% of Oklahomans and 84% of Texans accept that climate change is occurring.