The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Big Oil
Invading the Vaca Muerta: A Brief Summary of Recent Events
The Vaca Muerta Petroleum System in the western Argentina province of Neuquén is a large shale rock formation with major gas and oil resources.
How Grassroots Power Reshaped Whatcom County and the Western Coal Debate
Due to stunning November elections in Washington's northwesternmost county, it's unlikely that any new fossil fuel terminals will be built statewide in the foreseeable future. Environmentalists have a lot to learn politically from what worked in Whatcom.
The oil and gas industry, along with stealth PR handlers, touted Britain's fracking future at last week's U.K. Shale Gas Environmental Summit in London — taking a page from American industry's playbook by sowing scientific doubt about the risks of fracking.
Groundbreaking Report Reveals High-Scale Damage From Fracking
A new study found that 280 billion gallons of toxic wastewater and 450,000 tons of air pollution was generated by hydraulic fracturing in 2012 alone.
World Class Warfare: Will There Be Blood?
A war is being waged against the American people by the super rich. And it is escalating.
What are Facebook and Google Doing in Bed with Climate Deniers?
We propose the “No Deniers Rule” as a good starting place for any company that wants to be on the right side of history in the climate fight — that goes for the tech giants that falsely burnish green credentials while supporting climate destruction.
Scientists Issue Starkest Warning Yet With 5th IPPC Report on Earth's Climate
Scientists reveal the latest, most dangerous findings about global warming and its effects on our future in the fifth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report.
Coalitions March in 200 U.S. Cities to "Draw the Line" Against Keystone Pipeline
400 demonstrators marched through Manhattan's Financial District and surrounded the Keystone pipeline's largest financiers with a blue line to show where the waters of the Hudson and East River will soon lap.
650,000 Demand Obama Bans Fracking on Public Lands
A coalition of 276 environmental and consumer organizations delivered to President Obama nearly 650,000 public comments asking the federal government to ban fracking on public lands.
Defending the Commons: Civil Disobedience as Law Enforcement
The failure of governments to protect the global commons is currently driving the climate protection movement — which is why climate protesters can proudly proclaim that they are upholding the law, not violating it.