The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
American Legislative Exchange Council
Obamacare Faces New Threat at State Level from Corporate Mega-Lobby ALEC
A new proposal by the American Legislative Exchange Council, approved at its annual meeting in Chicago in August and published as a model bill for adoption by state assemblies nationwide, would scupper the federal health insurance exchanges.
ALEC and Teachers Insurance Association Join the Assault On Public Pensions
The National Public Pension Coalition has flagged ALEC’s entry into the public pension battle ahead of 2014 elections, saying it threatens the financial security of millions of state and local public employees.
"Ag-Gag" Laws Criminalize Whistleblowers Who Expose Factory Farm Abuse
"Ag-gag” laws seek to silence people who reveal what goes on behind factory farm closed doors, labeling them "eco-terrorists."
Even Google Is Doing Evil with ALEC
Quietly, Google has joined the American Legislative Exchange Council, the shadowy corporate alliance that pushes odious laws through state legislatures: cutting taxes for mega-corporations and the wealthy, privatizing schools and killing clean energy.
Public Education At Peril With ALEC's Private Scholarship Tax Credits
Tuition scholarship tax credit laws being pushed by the American Legislative Exchange Council will use state tax codes to subsidize private or parochial education, with grave consequences for public education spending.
What are Facebook and Google Doing in Bed with Climate Deniers?
We propose the “No Deniers Rule” as a good starting place for any company that wants to be on the right side of history in the climate fight — that goes for the tech giants that falsely burnish green credentials while supporting climate destruction.
Missouri Gets Sued for Defying Voters on Renewable Energy Law
A lawsuit filed Monday by the Great Rivers Environmental Law Center contends that Missouri legislators removed two important paragraphs from the state's 2008 energy law, allowing utilities to do an end run around new renewables investing.
Thousands of Protesters Descend on ALEC Convention In Chicago
A coalition of labor, community and environmental groups is making it clear that the ultra-conservative American Legislative Exchange Council isn’t welcome in the union town.
Reporting from Raleigh: 9 Ways to Organize the Next Civil Rights Movement
North Carolina's Moral Monday protests — where nearly 1,000 have been arrested in just 12 weeks — could be a way for the South to become progressive again, while cultivating strong community leaders to run for local office.
"Bagful of Cash" Exposes Chamber of Commerce As Supreme Corporate Lobby
A new report shows how the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has invested millions of corporate dollars into opposing all legislation relating to healthcare, financial reform, closing corporate tax loopholes, and addressing climate change.