The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Koch Brothers Plan To Buy Eight Major Newspapers
Billionaire oil moguls and ultra-right climate denial propagandists Charles and David Koch intend to purchase a handful of major U.S. news outlets, including the Tribune company.
Efforts to Deliver "Kill Shot" to Paid Sick Leave Tied to ALEC
Workers in more than 700 large American cities must choose between spreading their illness and getting paid.
ALEC Is Now Deciding What You Eat
It's time to knock down ALEC's factory-farm abuse cover-up efforts, so every American can see the truth – and the pain – behind the food they eat.
North Carolina Report: Fossil Fuel Tyrants Rewrite Law to Kill Clean Energy
The "Electricity Freedom Act," pushed by ALEC, would fully repeal the state's renewable portfolio standard that requires utilities to generate power from cleaner sources.
Revealed: ALEC Is Behind State-by-State Push to Lower Minimum Wage
Politicians backed by the ultra-conservative American Legislative Exchange Council have introduced 67 laws in 25 states to reduce minimum wage levels, a new survey revealed.
"Environmental Literacy Improvement Act" to Require Teaching Climate Change Denial in Schools
The American Legislative Exchange Council has planted its "Environmental Literacy Improvement Act," mandating a "balanced" teaching of climate science in K-12 classrooms, in the Oklahoma, Colorado and Arizona state legislatures in 2013.
ALEC Companies Leads Attack on North Carolina's Clean Energy
Corporate polluters are taking aim this year at states with renewable energy laws, starting with ALEC's assault on North Carolina’s clean energy economy, with support from Duke Energy, ExxonMobil and Koch Industries.
In Indiana, Regulator Helps ALEC Coal Companies Delay EPA Climate Rules
Leaked documents reveal how Big Coal, ALEC and an Indiana environmental regulator pushed to delay EPA rules to control greenhouse gas emissions and hazardous air pollution.
Big Money, ALEC and the Gun Agenda
Numerous bills to impede laws that would help protect Americans from gun violence were drafted by the NRA and adopted by ALEC corporations and legislators.
Michigan’s Anti-Union Legislation: Brought to You by the Koch Brothers and ALEC
Michigan’s right-to-work law is a Koch brothers and ALEC-style model bill in action.