The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Money In Politics: Democratic Super PACs Are Crushing Conservatives in 2013
Liberal-aligned super PACs raised more than $40 million in the first half of 2013 — double the amount raised by conservative super PACs.
Launch of Green Tea Coalition Drives A Wedge Through Georgia's Tea Party
The across-the-spectrum Green Tea Coalition - including activists from the Tea Party Patriots, Occupy Atlanta and the NAACP - is uniting to challenge Koch Brothers-funded big business ideology.
AFL-CIO and Organized Labor: Let’s Talk About Building a Movement
With unions facing a not-so-gradual decline toward irrelevance, leaders are having “a come-to-Jesus moment.”
"Bagful of Cash" Exposes Chamber of Commerce As Supreme Corporate Lobby
A new report shows how the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has invested millions of corporate dollars into opposing all legislation relating to healthcare, financial reform, closing corporate tax loopholes, and addressing climate change.
Why the TransPacific Partnership is a Scary Big (So-Called Trade) Deal
Like a supersized NAFTA, the TPP gives foreign corporations privileges that can override domestic laws on environmental health and citizens’ rights. Here’s why we shouldn’t let it pass without a fight.
Walmart Workers Announce National Caravan to Protest Shareholder Meeting
Members of a group trying to organize low-wage Walmart employees announced a plan to send a caravan of workers from around the country to converge at Walmart's annual shareholder meeting.
Obama Picks Billionaire Tax Evader to Lead Commerce Department
Hyatt heiress Penny Pritzker, Obama's choice for Commerce Secretary, avoids paying taxes through offshore accounts and formerly ran a bank that pioneered predatory high-interest subprime loans.
Revealed: How Walmart, Exxon and Coke Buy Latino Friends in Congress
Seven weeks into the 113th Congress, as lawmakers began work on immigration reform and a tax code overhaul, powerful corporate lobbyists in the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute scored premium access to politicians.
Breaking the Chains of Debt Peonage
Debt peonage must be broken if we are going to build a mass movement to paralyze systems of corporate power.
The Year of Magical Spending
Now that we've survived the elections, a new analysis shows companies contributed roughly $75 million to super PACs in the 2012 election cycle, 85% of which went to Republican-allied groups.