The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Act Out! [45] - Your Charity case, frack that, oil trains & a paradigm lost
This week, 'tis better to give than to receive – but who are you giving to, and who's really receiving? With the help of nonprofit employee and activist Anna Kaminski, we dive into the non-profit industry and peek behind that shiny charity veneer.
Act Out! [42] - Break Free in 2016, Our Corporate Constitution & Get Yourself Some Panoramic Awareness
Get a glimpse of what's to come for the global climate movement in 2016, and Agunda Okeyo talks art and activism from the global, black female perspective.
Act Out! [41] - Best of Paris: Activists Have the Last Word
Here is a "best of" compilation of our Paris climate coverage from start to finish, ending with protests that embodied the growing global climate justice movement.
Act Out! [40] - Thomas Paine, Recycled Propaganda, White Power & COP21
This week, let's use some common sense and talk about the rights of man. Next up, Recycled Propaganda. And from Paris to the globe, climate change can be slowed, if we make it so.
Paris Prospects: The Shadow of Extinction Over the City of Light
Many scientists believe an extinction paradigm is in progress: ongoing for decades, everywhere present – and mostly ignored by world leadership.
Redline Rebellion: Activists Vow Largest Climate Civil Disobedience Ever at Paris Summit
Thousands of climate change campaigners have promised to blockade a major UN climate summit in Paris with what they say will be non-violent direct action on a scale Europe has not seen before.
Act Out! [32] - The Sound of Science, Divest for Our future, Trade 4 People & Scream at Me
This week, it's about time we hear about climate change – but really hear it.
Climate Movement Momentum: Carbon Divestments Top $2.6 Trillion As Hillary Rejects Keystone XL
A new report shows the fossil fuel divestment movement has grown 50-fold in one year, with more than 400 institutions and 2,000 individuals pledging to dump carbon stocks – news that complemented Clinton's promise to oppose the tar sands pipeline.
University of California Divests $200 Million From Coal and Tar Sands
The UC system has sold off its endowment and pension fund holdings in coal and oil sands companies, a $200-million move that officials said Wednesday was in response to both environmental concerns and rising financial risk in those industries.
California Academy of Sciences Divests from Fossil Fuels
The Natural History Museum and launched a collaborative campaign calling on the country’s top science and natural history museums to dump all stocks in oil, coal and gas.