The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Leggo My Ovaries
We, as women, cannot claim equality if someone else has control over our bodies.
For London, a Community Bill of Rights
The legal system maintains the status quo to keep corporations in power and ensure that communities are subordinate. Community Bills of Rights, emerging now in many places, are helping to change that.
Comprehending Climate Change
Climate change is the mother of all conundrums: too big to fear, too invisible to see, too unpredictable to predict. Different generations react to it at different speeds, and changing the mind is a slow business indeed.
Charlotte Braces for the "Extraordinary"
Occupy Charlotte and coalition partners will confront their city's new "Extraordinary Event" law when they turn out Thursday to disrupt Duke Energy's annual shareholder meeting.
Letter from California: I Am a Slut.
You might not have seen any news about the Unite Against the War on Women rally held Saturday in Sacramento, as the media didn’t cover it. But we left a footprint.
The Dangers of Co-option
“Co-optation” is the word you hear activists whisper, whether you’re in New York, Atlanta or Albuquerque. Are unions and liberal groups like MoveOn valuable allies? Or do they pose a threat?
Occupy the Hunger Games? Well, Yes, Actually
The trilogy about a mass youth uprising that overthrows a tyrannical 1% ruling class has riveted readers and viewers of all ages. But how much will this heroic tale of revolution impact teenagers facing a very real crisis over their future?
"Festive, Righteous Anger": Occupy Makes a May Day Comeback
From the Free University to the Occupy Guitarmy to a Wildcat Strike to a massive march down Broadway, tens of thousands of New Yorkers came out to celebrate May Day - and make clear that the Occupy Spring is just beginning.
Think They're Watching You? You're Right
You don't have to commit a crime to be tracked, surveilled, detained—sometimes at gunpoint—and interrogated without access to a lawyer.
May Day at LAX
Despite pressure and intimidation, union workers strike at Los Angeles International Airport on May Day 2012.