The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Advocacy & Reforms
Voice, Vigor, Vote: Retaking People's Democracy From Monied Interests
Grassroots organizations that once made American democracy strong plummeted in the Reagan era – when political parties stopped representing the views of constituents and turned instead to money.
Four Reasons America’s Solar Revolution Is Winning – And Has Only Just Begun
One exciting driver behind the surge in rooftop solar systems has been the plummeting costs – along with the innovative ways people are getting solarized.
Oregon Delivers Defeat to Coal Industry Denying Key Permit for Export Terminal
The Morrow Pacific coal terminal would have not only encouraged CO2-emitting coal to be burned elsewhere, but would pollute local waterways and increase rail and truck traffic in once restful regions.
A Hardy Welcome: Wyoming's U.S. Senate Challenger Rages Against the Money Machine
Charlie Hardy, the 75-year-old former Catholic priest now running for Senate, wants to halt NSA spying on ordinary citizens and overturn Citizens United with a Constitutional amendment.
Marijuana Investor Plans Hedge Fund to Invest in Reverse Mergers
Leslie Bocskor is also forming a consulting firm to assist state governments in setting up regulatory guidelines for cannabis use.
Whose Streets, Our Streets: The 2014 Cell Phone Guide For U.S. Protesters
A lot has changed since we last published this report during the Occupy movement in 2011. With major protests in the news again, we decided it's time to update our cell phone guide for protestors.
The New Media Movement Is Here: 20 News Sites Kicking Our Generation Into Action
With a shift in media underway, there's an opportunity for alternative online news sources to turn youth apathy into engagement and cynicism into a demand for social and political change.
How Cooperation Jackson is Transforming the Poorest State in America
Mississippi is the poorest state in the United States. But Cooperation Jackson, a powerhouse organization promoting economic justice, was born to transform it.
Indicted: Texas Governor Rick Perry Faces Five to 99 Years In Prison For Felony
An Austin grand jury asserts Perry abused his official powers by promising – then carrying out – a veto on $7.5 million in funding for public corruption prosecutors.
This September 17, Rolling Jubilee Will Buy Back – And Abolish – Student Debt
This time, it’s different.