The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.
Advocacy & Reforms
Saving Our Economy With Public Banking
Public banking could be the antidote to free us from our dependency on Wall Street and put monetary power in the people's hands.
A New App Lets You Boycott Koch Brothers and Monsanto By Scanning Your Shopping Cart
Want to see who's really selling you that box of sugar?
Revealed: Atlantans Lost Nearly $1 Billion in Wealth Due to Foreclosures in 2012
Communities of color lost more than double the wealth of predominantly white communities in the Atlanta housing crisis in 2012.
The Liberal Narrative Is Broken, and Only Populism Can Fix It
The left dare not answer conservatives by simply saying government is good. Instead, it must make special interests a rallying cry.
Straight Talk About the Next American Revolution
In this Chapter Five excerpt from his new book, "What Then Must We Do? Straight Talk About the Next Revolution," Alperovitz talks about what's wrong with our political and economic systems and how we can transform them.
BNotes, Time Dollars and Local Currencies: Remaking American Finance
More and more people are asking: how do we opt out of Wall Street now? Local and alternative currencies, for a start.
Tax Haven Exposé Pushes Countries to Launch Investigations
Drawing from a leaked trove of 2.5 million digital files, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists opened the secrets of more than 120,000 offshore companies and trusts and nearly 130,000 individuals in 170 countries.
Stiglitz: Student Debt and the Crushing of the American Dream
Like the housing crisis that preceded it, the student debt crisis is intimately connected to America’s soaring inequality.
Spain's Robin Hood and the Art of Disobedience
"When the government does not act in the interest of the people, and it benefits only a small minority, the people’s greatest right is to disobey and rebel against that injustice."
"Fearless Summer" from the Grassroots: Get Ready for Action
When people stand up against the destructive extraction industries of big energy interests, we gain community support and sometimes we even win.