Photo: Aaron Cynic. Occupy Chicago marches from LaSalle and Jackson to Butler Field.
The NATO summit is coming to town in a few days and as members of the 99%, we won’t be invited to attend. But there’s good reason not to stay home. Occupy Chicago and numerous community groups have lined up a week of events and actions to confront the agendas of austerity and militarism and to present a vision of a better Chicago. Most events are free; some may require tickets or registration. Check out the links for details. Know of something else that should be here? Let us know at shout@occupiedchicagotribune.org
Counter-Summits and Forums
Thursday, May 10, 6 p.m.: Know Your Rights training for NATO protesters. The National Lawyers Guild will conduct a training aimed at activists and organizers participating in anti-NATO demonstrations. Jane Addams Hull House Museum, 800 S. Halsted.
Saturday and Sunday, May 12–13: The People’s Summit. Occupy Chicago hosts a counter-summit of more than 40 workshops addressing issues such as democracy, labor, poverty and racism. Speakers include former Afghan member of parliament Malalai Joya, civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson and antiwar activists Medea Benjamin and Col. Ann Wright. Saturday night entertainment will be provided by hip-hop duo Rebel Diaz. Occupy Chicago Headquarters, 500 W. Cermak.
Monday, May 14, 3 p.m.: Money for Education, Not for Wars. Dyett High School, 555 E. 51st St.
Tuesday, May 15, 11 a.m.: Vigil for Immigrant Rights and Family Unity.Immigration Court Building, 525 W. Van Buren.
Wednesday, May 16, 10 a.m.: Housing is a Right: No Evictions, No Foreclosures! Jackson and LaSalle Streets.
Thursday, May 17, 2 p.m.: Planet over Profits and War. Bike Mass at Jackson and LaSalle. 3 p.m.: Action at Canadian Consulate, 180 N. Stetson Avenue.
Friday, May 18, 7 p.m.: Arab Spring, Libyan Winter: A conversation with Vijay Prashad. High Concept Labs, 1401 W. Wabansia Avenue.
Friday, May 18, 11 a.m.: National Nurses United March and Rally. Nurses lead the protest against the global 1% and demand a tax on Wall Street. The rally will feature Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine. Daley Plaza, Washington and Dearborn.
Friday, May 18, 9 p.m.: Leftist Lounge: Party For Peace. Shake your groove thing with spinning by DJ Lopez and surround yourself with art curated by the Leftist Lounge. Plus, a commonwealth performance by FM Supreme. High Concept Labs, 1401 W. Wabansia Avenue.
May 18–20: Counter-Summit for Peace and Economic Justice. Peace, faith and economic justice groups present an alternative summit. Speakers include John Nichols, Tom Hayden, and Kathy Kelly. People’s Church, 948 W. Lawrence Avenue.
Saturday, May 19 – Occupy Chicago Day of action for health care. TBA.
Saturday, May 19, 8 p.m.: This Land is our Land! A centennial celebration of Woody Guthrie. Portoluz presents a concert celebration of folk hero Woodie Guthrie. Featuring Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine. Metro, 3730 N. Clark Street.
Sunday, May 20, Noon: March and Rally to Protest NATO. The Iraq Veteran’s Against the War (IVAW) marches in solidarity with war opponents. March ends near McCormick Place, where members of IVAW will return their medals to NATO. Petrillo Bandshell, 235 S. Columbus Drive.
Monday, May 21: Shut Down Boeing action. Boeing headquarters, 100 N. Riverside.
See you in the streets!
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