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Resistance at Standing Rock: The People From Oceti Sakowin Camp

Resistance at Standing Rock: The People From Oceti Sakowin Camp
Sat, 2/11/2017 - by Alex Garland

Keytha Fixico – What happens if the pipeline is completed? “The water gets ruined. Alabama pipeline wasn’t supposed to break, this one isn’t supposed to break. That can tell you what direction they’re headed.“

Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Oh yeah, there’s so much energy here. Theres so much compassion here. Part of the reason people come out here is so they can relate to this situation in some way in their life. My tribe was part of the trail of tears and I couldn’t be there for them, but I can be here for this tribe.”

What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “It doesn’t make me happy. When you see a man of those kinds of actions and words you can only imagine what kind of government he will run.”


Alan Griego – What happens if the pipeline gets completed? “I haven’t given it too much thought, but there’s other pipelines and there’s still a lot of endangered waters and burial lands and Native American rights we’re fighting for. It’s not the end of it. It’s only one battle of many.”

Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Absolutely. That’s one of my biggest things is getting off our dependence on petroleum products and switching over to more sustainable sources of fuel. There are tribes and nations together here that have historically been enemies and we’re uniting under a single cause. That’s pretty amazing.”

What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “I wish I could say it doesn’t. I really hope he’s just a puppet and the puppet controllers are not as crazy as he is. There are certain things I am worried about. John Sessions is now his attorney general. I’m worried about the repeal of Roe vs. Wade and the gay and lesbian rights. It’s kind of a setback for America and for progress.”


Ruth Miller – What happens if the pipeline is completed? “We will face not only an environmental impact in that human beings drinking water will forever be poisoned and polluted. It will also set a precedent that we are complicit in the continuation of over 400 years of colonization of our people. That we are complicit in the environmental racism against the Sioux nation and all indigenous people. And we are complicit in not allowing our voices and our presence to be recognized and heard. Not only will this have physical impacts on the quality of the watershed in this area, but it will set us up for another 400 years of oppression and we cannot allow that to continue.”

Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “I don’t think so. It’s true that its grounded in many different arguments in that this has been building up, not only for the 100s of years of colonization and occupation but this movement has been increasingly encouraged by the ongoing legal oppression of our rights as a sovereign nation. This is not just Indians getting crazy about one small thing, this is specifically in support of the Standing Rock Sioux. We’re coming to see this pipeline destroyed and dismantled.”

What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “As a native woman, I have been repeatedly antagonized and harassed, not only by the Trump campaign rhetoric but also by Trump supporters. As a student as well, I’ve been a part of an environment that is increasingly politicized and divided. Trump being elected wasn’t just racism. It was for many many people, but for many more people it was out of fear and desperation, very human emotions that people can relate to. We need to take this as a call to action, because Trump being elected is not just one crazy candidate, it’s symbolic of an endemic problem in this nation that needs to be addressed.“


Guadalupe – What happens if the pipeline gets built? “Lives will be destroyed. Land ruined forever. It will ruin generations of living.”

Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Yes of course, because water is life.”

What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “I’m Chicano, Mexican American. I see a lot of my people come here with only the dream of the American Dream which is to work and build something off your hard labor. Thats what they come here for and the bias facts they are putting out are not fact. I think anyone who comes and are not committing any crime but working should be able to come here to provide for their family.”


Tabitha Milian – What happens if the pipeline gets completed? “Eventually it will leak and destroy water for 17 million people and it’s pretty much the same story that’s been happening for a while.”

Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “Yeah, this is pretty much resistance camps of the 21st century. As long as they stay focused on actually stopping and resisting these extraction plans and the sooner the better you can get them in the permitting process is more effective for sure.”

What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “I can’t just walk around feeling comfortable around white folks because there are a bunch of entitled white supremacist who feel that they can do what they want. It just feels like race wars are going to happen.”


Mark Johns-Colson – What happens if the pipeline is completed? “It endangers everyones water, everyone that lives south of here threatens their water supply.”

Is this resistance movement something that can move to another fossil fuel fight? “It could, and it should. This isn’t the only pipeline protest going on. Theres Texas and other setting up just like they do here. This camp is not necessarily just fighting the pipeline, but it’s also a unity, bringing us all together. Reconnecting us to Mother Earth and realizing that Mother Earth is the source, not just a resource. It’s a turning point for people to reconnect with Mother Earth instead of disconnect.”


What affect will Donald Trump’s election have on you? “Theres a lot of different ways that Rump will affect me as and igneous man of this land. Not just what he will do to Mother Earth and his lack of concerns for Mother Earth. Being a minority in this country, what is going to be over ridden. He has a vendetta against native Americans because of what happened in the 90s. It’s going to be interesting to see what happens.”



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