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Dear Aunt Lydia: Women Raping Women in the Era of #MeToo

Dear Aunt Lydia: Women Raping Women in the Era of #MeToo
Fri, 10/12/2018 - by Lainey Hashorva

I have a bone to pick, as many of us do, with white conservative women. We need a new hashtag for them exclusively, as the #MeToo movement is in forward motion and swiftly re-stacking the “house of cards.” If only banksters and politicians fell from grace and privilege as hard and as fast as Kevin Spacey did.

The “Christian Right” is an oxymoron on so many levels. I won’t go into the hypocrisy of that because my fingers are tired just thinking about typing it. My bone picking is about the nature of what makes women so blatantly betray other women by propping up men like Trump, Mitch McConnell, Brett Kavanaugh, as our dignity and democracy are fed to the shredder.

Let’s not forget Donna Karan calling Harvey Weinstein’s assaulted accusers “liars,” or worse, that they “must have asked for it.” Blaming the way women dress from a woman that designs provocative dresses?

The only thing worse than a man that rapes is a woman that doesn’t support her own gender, friend or family member who comes forward with the assault and is then re-victimized by the doubt, disbelief and/or further shaming for having the courage to speak her truth to power. These women fortify the lack of balance of power and old archaic structures that we see being scrutinized, challenged and revolted against finally and affirmatively in the pink hat #MeToo tidal wave.

Trump’s rallies are, for him, gas station air pumps along the red meat highway for nothing other than his bloated ego, rage raising, feeding frenzied, dollar store candy-throwing to a rabid red-faced crowd wearing pro-Russia T shirts and MAGA hats. The blonde women-folk staged strategically behind their caricature of a leader – cheering the bully rhetoric and middle school mocking of sexual assault victims, the press, and any form of civil decency – are, to me, worse than the men who attend these rallies, which are the equivalent of erectile enhancing booster pills. Incidentally erectile dysfunction pills are covered by insurance but the date rape drug “Plan B” is not.

But back to the hate rallies for hillbillies and terrified uneducated entitled white people fearing their demise and loss of footing as the upper crust they actually vote for strips them of all of the above...

The divide is widening. I do not see it closing or coming together any time soon as the race for another bloody tug of war over the soul of this country comes to a head next month. The news cycles thrive on amping up the divisive rhetoric as left wing cable news anchors replay for their viewers all the toxic clips they can find from radical right wing talking heads. “Did you see what they said today??!!” Run the clip from FOX or as I like to call it “FUX News.” Let’s argue POV shall we…? Back to you Dick.

So in effect, the left is fortifying and amplifying the radical obscene right by reiterating and replaying the spew so that we are all in a constant state of agitation and rage. Don’t even get me started on social media and the staggering mentality in the comments section of nearly every commentary, clip post or meme. I don’t know about you but I have serious outrage fatigue since the Obama years and the many-headed monsters Mitch McConnell has spawned in his putrid little petrie dish called the US Congress.

I “ran into” Congressman Adam Schiff at Trader Joe’s the other night in Studio City. I was buying more unneeded rosewater and pumpkin bread. I said, “Thanks for all that you do.” The guy is at least sane and professional after all. He said, “Oh. Thank you very much.” There was so much I wanted to say, but I didn’t want to intrude and I had frozen spinach balls to think about. But a few minutes passed and we smiled at each other again in the chip and snack bar aisle. He said, “How are you?” We just looked wide eyed at each other. I sighed and said “fine.”

But what I really wanted to say was, “What the hell is happening??? What are we gonna do??? Can we hire someone to take Nunez out back – I’ll do it! Why is Nunez even allowed on the grounds? How can we protect the FBI? Do something!!! How do you maintain your civility and professionalism amidst utter chaos on a sinking ship? Are you thinking about running for president? Has Lindsey Graham come out yet to anyone~Does he think he’s fooling anyone-Not that anyone cares, but come on! Can you tell me - off the record if we’re all going to be wearing arm bands soon? Do you watch 'The Handmaid’s Tale?' Have you tried the dark chocolate caramels? I’m not a handmaid, so does that automatically mean I’ll be assigned to the rock quarry and be made to watch my teeth fall out and my lips crack from all the dry wind and poisoned land? Oh God I forgot to have children, though these days I’m sort of grateful for that – what would we tell them? What do you tell your children? Would you vote for Avenatti? Can’t someone just chloroform Trump?”

But instead I sighed and simply said “fine,” and proceeded to the checkout line. Spinach balls and outrage fatigue.

Back to the new hashtag for the women (I got off topic, though it’s a branch of the same coconut tree). #AuntLydia could work. #Womenforwomen. #SisterhoodMatters. I dunno….. It’s not that men suck, it’s that the old archaic structure of white male entitled patriarchy has run its course. Done. Finito. Adios Tiki torch Nazis. #Timesup.

Conservative women baffle me – what I see cheering behind Trump, flipping off CNN journalists, denying cakes and marriage licenses, the outright lies from the podium at the White House, on social media, in the news, and in government. It trips up my mind as to how their wiring works, how they defend what to me has no common sense, no empathy, no basis in critical thinking or truth.

It’s not just the issues re Dr. Ford and the Kavanaugh hearings. It’s that so many aspects of the radical right wing continue to grow more bumpy rotting tumorous heads, and in the lack of what seems instinctually “feminine” energy in a bulldozer bully rhetoric and tantrum stomping displayed by “Bart O’Kavanaugh” during his testimonial diatribe. I miss dignity.

What propels these conservative women? Cue “Stand By Your Man” as the slow dance screeches to a halt when your man looks at a younger version of you entering the bar… Is it fear of being alone? Terror of being banished from the tribe? Is it genetic wiring? Financial? Mommy or Daddy? This perplexes me to no end. I find myself being most offended by these women – even more so than the neocon men they fluff up. Contemplating these women and their moral compasses, loyalties and rhetoric is what baffles me the most in this raging river we’re all being tossed and soaked in as we hold on tight to our little battered canoes. Why aren’t we all in sync yelling “Row!”

Today’s conservative Republican Trumpian women are actually aroused and sadistically satisfied by white male patriarchy and entitlement. They want to be OWNED by primitive thinking male dominance and subservience. They appear to have no free thinking minds of their own, no solid inner core, but instead literally prefer to be told what to think, what to clap for, who to throw to the lions, who to stand by as they quote the bible and look forward to a spanking.

It’s all fear-based neediness and ancient genetic coding coupled with the faux Christian flash cards of being servile and less than a man. I’m not a bible reader, but aren’t women that subscribe to it supposedly made to simply and solely be “helpers” to the man? Sidekick maids? Don’t they realize all that propaganda was written by men. Ancient men. Like Chuck Grassley and Mitch McConnell. Don’t they question, challenge or champion that? Remember the old Neil Young song, “A Man Needs A Maid?” Whatever you’re into. Enjoy. Get me a beer.

For women to stand behind grade school bully grown up men in suits yelling at rabid race-bating crowds, laughing, clapping on cue at those being harmed, mocked and publicly crucified publicly makes these women traitors to their sisters, daughters, mothers, friends. I guess I’m biased….I expect more from women. Call me crazy.

The joke is on these “conservative” women even more so than the bloated red-faced whiny bullies they cling to, because these repulsive hollow men don’t give a flying fig leaf about those cheerleaders standing behind them flipping off CNN and waving like trained seals when Trump has a convulsion and burps up some new targeted nickname for cheap applause.

Not only do these Republican women throw other women and their own DAUGHTERS under the bus, they give the go ahead that they’d welcome a man like this to violate and degrade them and/or their gender in general. They invite them to the party. They raise and coddle men like this. These WOMEN that laugh and cheer on Trump and Kavanaugh as Dr. Ford and others are objectified and diminished are the Commanders' wives in “The Handmaids Tale” who hold the wrists for the rape ceremonies of the fertile young women being used as servile vessels for baby making. They are vile Aunt Lydia wannabes like Sarah Sanders, Jeanine Pirro, Kellyanne Conway, Susan Collins, Michelle Bachman (remember her?) and Ann Coulter. Thank God (pun intended) that we can count on Tina Fey should Sarah Palin ever dare to rear her waxen bobble head again.

This breed of woman is far worse than the bloviating male Whoopee cushions in suits shredding our democracy. They are the women that literally will choose to stay married to a child molester rather than protect their own daughters and or sons from the monster, and in doing so become the darker monster which cuts even deeper because innately a mother/the feminine should guard their offspring with their lives and whole hearts.

But maybe that’s not as important as being loyal to loud aggressive dominant bullies that demand loyalty, silence, acquiescence and dinner on the table by 6. Is it privilege? Is it fear? Is it a feeling of safety and order, outsourcing empathy for security?

Remember, it’s a very scary time for rapists in America ladies. Button up and be quiet, you don’t want to ruin that nice man’s career! “Blessed day.”



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