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40 Arrests, Police Turn Violent, As Frack Protest Continues in New Brunswick

40 Arrests, Police Turn Violent, As Frack Protest Continues in New Brunswick
Fri, 10/18/2013 - by Al Jazeera
This article originally appeared on Al Jazeera America

Canadian police said they arrested at least 40 people in eastern New Brunswick on Thursday at the site of a weekslong protest over shale gas development that turned violent when authorities attempted to enforce a court-ordered injunction that the demonstrators be removed — reflecting ongoing tension between energy companies and indigenous peoples in Canada.

"The RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) has worked diligently with all parties involved in hopes for a peaceful resolution. Those efforts have not been successful," Constable Julie Rogers-Marsh said.

The RCMP said the protesters, who include aboriginals from First Nations groups, were arrested for firearms violations, threats, intimidation, mischief and violating the injunction.

However, protesters contest those claims.

Susan Levi-Peters, the former chief of the nearby Elsipogtog aboriginal reserve, said the police had moved in aggressively on unarmed protesters.

"The RCMP is coming in here with their tear gas — they even had dogs on us," she said. "They were acting like we're standing there with weapons, while we are standing there, as women, with drums and eagle feathers. This is crazy. This is not Canada."

Since Sept. 30, activists and members of the Elsipogtog and Mi'kmaq First Nations tribes have blocked a New Brunswick road used by employees of the energy company SWN Resources Canada, a subsidiary of Southwestern Energy, which is exploring shale gas properties in the area.

The tribes have long opposed SWN's efforts to explore for gas in the region. They want a moratorium on shale gas exploration and say the company did not consult them before starting work.

The protesters contend that the process used to extract shale gas — hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking — could pollute drinking water. But proponents of the industry say such concerns are overblown and don't take into account the possibility of replacing coal and oil with cleaner-burning natural gas.

Robert Levi, a councillor with the Elsipogtog First Nation, said he went to the protest site early Thursday after hearing that the RCMP had moved in to begin enforcing the injunction against the protesters.

Levi said police pepper-sprayed dozens of people after 9:30 a.m., when he arrived with the chief and council.

"The chief was manhandled a little bit, and all hell broke loose," he said.

The RCMP said at least five of its vehicles were destroyed after they were set on fire, Molotov cocktails were thrown at officers and at least one shot was fired by someone who is not a police officer.

T.J. Burke, a lawyer for the Elsipogtog First Nation, later confirmed that Elsipogtog Chief Aaron Sock was among those arrested.

The tribes' efforts have been buoyed by the Idle No More movement, a grassroots effort to bring more attention to the poor living conditions on native reserves and to help aboriginal communities gain more control over natural resource projects.

Originally published by Al Jazeera America



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prison reform, incarceration rates, private prisons, for-profit prisons, white supremacy, enslavement, climate justice, racial justice, Green New Deal

The year 2020 has caused many white people to realize we live in a racist system. The Green New Deal is about systemic change for all, and deconstructing racism must be front and central in this agenda.

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By infecting three of the world’s most right-wing leaders, the coronavirus underscored not only the incompetence and irresponsibility of their governments – but the truth that their brand of populism doesn't keep people safe.

COVID-19, corporate bailouts, corporate welfare, corporate destruction

Corporations are not "too big to fail" and, when they commit crimes, they are not "too big to jail." As David Whyte writes in his new book, "Ecocide: Kill the Corporation Before It Kills Us," the moment is now to rein in out-of-control corporate power.

The world has lost an incredible thinker and doer. I have lost an amazing friend. A void exists where before it was filled with David's optimism, humour and joy.

Kevin Zeese speaks at a rally for Chelsea Manning. By Ellen Davidson.

Kevin fought to bring truth every day. We must not lose this struggle.